I'm Back, and Wow is it Lonely (America)

139 11 0

20 February, 1929

Ah, it's wonderful to be back after such a staggering recovery! I just got back after attending a "Miss America" Beauty Pageant and boy did I get a good laugh there! I mean the women and their outfits were very expressive, some patriotic, ha ha!

I've noticed how distant Mat has been. He's been like that for the past weeks. I wonder why. Though I'll find out soon enough because I have a flight in an hour that will be taking me to his house. Yes, yes, I know, how abrupt of you Alfred to go and do something as silly as that! Hey, he's my friend and friends always look out for each other. If I don't find out what's wrong and not help him through whatever it is, then shoot me in the eyes, I'm not a good friend!

Sorry to have kept this short, but I have to begin packing for the duration I'll be in Canada. Truth be told, I haven't stepped foot there in forever. I can't remember sadly.

Before I cut this I'd like to get Mat a little something special here just to brighten his spirit up. His smile is a sight for sore eyes. I know that for a fact, I've experienced it many times and each is better than the other. I swear it has to be his smile that is the reason why I feel so jumpy whenever I see him. Oh, my stomach feels weird thinking about it. Yea, I think I'll end it there.

Do you think he'll like a blue cake with extra icing? I think he might. Or maybe he'll like a hamburger steak? I'm afraid to get him that because I'll end up eating it. What can I say, it's my favorite food item on the menu! I'll probably just stick with getting him a small eagle statue, it's easy to carry and I won't have to worry about it spoiling on the four hour flight.

I still want a hamburger steak and blue cake though. I'll just get them there because I'm pretty sure they're served near him.

Your keeper, Alfred

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