Taking the Day Off (America)

207 13 2

27 October, 1902

        Dear Diary, it took longer than implied for Matthew to finally answer back. Ironically we met in the meeting room and talked it thoroughly. With a dozen "Yes's" and "I understand" and even a little "no we won't do any of the sort", the permission was all his! Joyful of the news, he asked me when we would schedule our first outside meet-up. 

"Why not today? I'm free till September."

"Isn't it a bit too sudden! Also, it's midday and we'll have more time tomorrow."

"It doesn't matter, Mat- er, Matthew, ha sorry; we can just relax at the nearest theater. Speaking of which there should be one a few blocks from here."

"Well, if you really want to, I won't have any objections."

"That's what I like to hear!"

All settled, we would drive to the theater and see a play. Now that I think about it, I'm fortunate to live near an entertainment plaza, this house gets boring quickly whenever I'm alone. The theme of the play was a Romantic Drama. The play was about a young lady stuck in what was called a "Love Triangle" with two men. One man was two years older than her and the other two years younger. The older man's personality was similar to a plantation owner's: Demanding and treats her like she's His Property. The younger man's personality was that of a gentle lad: Kind and Considerate. As for the lady, her personality was averaged between being oblivious to the two men until the middle and conscious of her situation, but not doing anything about it. The play came to a conclusion when she chose the younger man over the older, who had more wealth. In the end, Matthew was applauding loudly, tears at the corner of his eyes. I was yawning, chin propped on the palm of my hand. When we exited, oh his voice was full of emotion, he almost had multiple eyes staring at him.

"I knew she'd choose that young man over wealth! She goes to show that Love is truly a beautiful thing, isn't it Alfred? Hey, are you listening?"

"So it was a 'Love Triangle' that she was in, right? Gosh how do you like these types of plays? They're cliche!"

"Drama and Romance are one of the best themes a play could be about! Even better when the two are together. I think the play was fantastic along with the actors and actresses whom performed their roles well. If you don't like then that's too unfortunate!"

"Whoa, whoa, okay calm down little maple leaf. No need to get all bashful in public."

"Hey! Don't call me 'little maple leaf'! That's not funny."

There were a million nicknames my head summoned, and I tried picking out the best. "Fine then, how does 'Mat' sound to you? I think it'll suit you in the near future."

"You're just asking to be clipped in the temple aren't you? Let's go behind that tree so I can do so!"

"I figured you'd like it."

Dusk had fallen when we returned home. Matthew didn't have an escort waiting for him at the front drive way. Oddly enough, he set his valise down and opened its contents which were clothes and toiletries. I see, so he was staying the night. The evening was full of conversation (generally this whole day was full of conversation hence the many dialogues); commenced by me asking him  why he was sleeping over.  

"It's a long trip back to my house, and I don't want my escort to become drowsy on the way here and on the way back. Making certain, it's fine with you, right?"

"Of course, you're my friend and my guest. It's generous you're considering the escort that drives you to and fro. Exactly how long does it take to arrive here again?"

"Roughly twelve hours if I leave around twelve at night and reach here the same time the next day."

"That's late, Mat. And you do this every month; I'm sorry I've kept making you do that."

"Don't apologise, it's well worth it in the end."

I will stop there for the sake of space on this page. The dialogue is consuming an almost large amount than I had originally set for it. We ended the night in my room and assumed the time was a quarter pass eleven. Time flies fast when you're with fun company. A hilarious problem we came across was where Matthew would sleep. Making him sleep on the floor was, in my eyes, very disrespectful; instead we had to brainstorm another location in my room. The only option left was my bed. I didn't favor the idea since my sleeping habits include hogging up the bed and shift around frequently. The look in his eyes showed me how tried he was, so I surrendered to said idea and let him sleep aside me. Lights off, candle ready to be burnt out, and a warm bed with a sleeping Mat to come to, I wish you goodnight and to prepare the next available page for tomorrow.

Your keeper, Alfred

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