It's Dark Down There (Canada)

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1 July, 1919

        I'm sorry I couldn't fill in for when I flew back from France, I had to immediately unpack and tend to important affairs. What I've talked about so far is whether to seal our border from the United States or keep it open under a little stricter security. The reason is that an epidemic influenza had swooned in the United States and is killing a large amount of citizens there. The cause of this disease is something I need to research later because I'm hearing reports of the same thing worldwide. 

        About the treaty, the United Kingdom and France as well as the countries we fought next with had signed straight away their participation. The United States, however, did not submit their membership. Germany wasn't allowed at the meeting nor were they able to sign in this treaty. When we were all gathered to elaborate on the principles and accept terms, I pulled Alfred aside and asked him why he didn't sign in his participation along with the others. He told me that he felt skeptical about having to work with others to preserve international peace among other countries in the whole of Europe. He told me not to get it wrong that he wanted nothing more than peace overall, but not everyone in his house agreed to this. Alfred didn't want to talk anymore about it and said to please dismiss the topic. His tone made it seem like he was in a rush for something or something was off. He's probably impatient to go home and rejuvenate himself from all that had been. I wanted to go home as well, but I still had to stay until the end.

        It was a good idea to keep my stuffed polar bear at home instead of bring it with me as a memorabilia of home, he would've gotten severely damaged and tattered if he came. He's probably very lonely and waiting for me at the front door. I don't want to take too long!

        That's right, and I'd like to say a little Happy Birthday to myself. Happy birthday, me! You've surpassed quite a peculiar bunch these many many years and I'm really proud for you to keep standing through all of the weight trying to weigh you down. I hope you continue to work your way forward no matter what obstacles will try to slow you down. Maintain that momentum, okay? Everyone is grateful for all that you've done for them, Arthur, Papa, Alfred, everyone you've worked together with. Never forget you're just as important as they all are.

Your friend, Matthew

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