Armistice and Celebration (Canada)

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11 November, 1918

       I looked at all of the soldiers screaming with joy, with relief. The beautiful sight to see, and it's all because of the end of this war. This Great War had lasted long, longer than I wanted it to be. Was all of it worth it in the end? Of course, we were able to save the whole of France at the last second, and now this is what we get in return. Both sides have ceased and are heading home, where they belong. Home is where the heart is, and that is where my heart had been this entire time. I can't wait to be on my way, as much as I like being here with Papa, I have to return to my own place. Where I belong.

        Our celebration was fun, it lasted for a full day. The four of us had stayed at Papa's house for the time being, I'm surprised it wasn't damaged in any way from all of the explosions. You should have seen how much wine he gave to Alfred as a gift and apology for the passing of his birthday; instead having to fire through enemies and stinking up the trenches even more than it was already. By the fifth glass, Alfred became tipsy and had to be taken to the guest-room to rest his swirly head. Arthur fell asleep from reading his book, so Papa had to carry him to his bedroom. Somehow, I'm always the one left who has to help with anything or anyone because the rest are either too busy or just don't want to do it themselves.

        I was almost crushed by how much weight Alfred placed on my shoulders, and that only being his arm! Imagine how heavy the rest of his body would be! When I finally tucked him into bed (yes, I still do these things. Take my stuffed polar bear for example.), he started slurring. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but I did catch this:

"The sheets are too cold...stay here."

        Alfred's such a baby! I told him that it would heat up soon, but he kept telling me to stay with him. Considering how tired I was, I surrendered to his constant complaining and slid in next to him. Two minutes in, he was snoring. Just great.

        It's 2a.m. and I'm ready to turn off my flashlight, or torch, whichever you would like to call it. Boy am I ready for a proper night's sleep. Plus it's really warm and comfortable right now. I like it.

Your friend, Matthew

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