Are We Considered Friends? (Canada)

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29 November, 1829

        Dear Diary, not much has passed that I consider interesting. Alfred and I had been told that we will be meeting once every month in the same location. A meeting that caught my attention was one where he told me that he finished his Erie Canal after seventeen years of backbreaking construction; he also told me the amount of lives being lost, it was indeed very horrible. He was happy in the end because of the enormous boost it had on his economy, and I've learned to be joyful of it. In fact, I've met with him enough to become used to his high spirit and loud voice. Well, his voice could still get some getting used to. I've met with him enough to announce to Caretaker that we've become acquaintances. He being very pleased to hear this didn't hesitate to embrace me. Today's meeting I told him how inspired I was by the amount of determination and effort all the people put into making the canal, and informed him of my plans to create my own canal. This idea, me and my Caretaker decided together. Determination and motivation are going to be the key highlights in this awful long procedure. Alfred encouraged the idea and described the amount of benefits sure to come: national unity, economic boosts, and faster transportation. I'm restless that this plan will go into motion tomorrow first thing in the morning! He wanted me to tell him every single detail of the procedure as it goes underway, usual construction or new challenges, he wants to hear everything. I'm beginning to see a lighter perspective of Alfred, it's slowly getting lighter as the meetings keep occurring. Does this mean we are considered friends now? I'm starting to lose tension in his presence, and that smile of his I had grown fond of. I remember asking him why he smiles so much. He said, "Having a happy attitude dramatically affects other's behaviors around you. Just one smile can turn a whole day around, no matter who the person or what the person. I can guarantee you that! Try smiling." I did, it felt amazing. He was right when he said that smiling can dramatically change the behavior of those around you. Oh look! I've strayed away from what was being addressed previously! I can't be certain to consider us friends. Something did catch my eye as we were departing back to our homes. In my peripheral vision I spotted Alfred having a heated argument with one of his representatives, probably from one of his states. I couldn't quite comprehend what they were saying, as I was heading in the direction of my stagecoach and the medium-long distance between us. I did catch a flyer with a picture of a man with dark skin being held by Alfred. He was jabbing a spot on the flyer, specifically the face of the man, which had a giant red 'X' marked on it.  He didn't seem too happy about the flyer nor whatever was printed on it. The state representative thought otherwise. He started to spit as he spoke rapidly, making wild gestures with his arms like some sort of rag doll on strings. What did the 'X' mean? Why was it on the man's face? The state representative snatched the flyer, ripped it, and huffed away steaming. This little eavesdrop still haunts me as I write on your papers. I should get extra rest now although it's six o' clock sunset, I want to rise early in the morning in time to see people piling to start the year-long construction. Till then, diary.

Your friend, Matthew

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