Lost Entry #1 (Canada)

164 11 0

26 October, 1917

How much more poison can I inhale? I've crawled my escape trench through trench overwhelmed with the biological killer too many times already. Friends lie dead under the soles of my shoes or in my arms. I've pleaded to God to kill me and send me to Heaven like any other normal person who walks and breathes kilometers of agony. That cannot happen, never will it. 

Though, all of this was worth it because...I finally found Papa. It wasn't what I had hoped for it to be, how I wanted to finally meet him again. Papa wasn't standing, his face was buried in the ash. Running up to him almost cost me my limbs saying that an explosion went off almost beside me and I was flung to the side. My leg, it was shattered, oh the agony! The pain didn't distract me from trying to save him, I wouldn't let it. If my other leg was still working, then that's all I need to bring him back to my car, back to my base. He arose to consciousness, for I heard him slur:

"Qu'est-ce qui se passe? Mathieu? Mon dieu, Mathieu what are you doing here? You shouldn't be here, it's too dangerous! Get out, go away, go find Arthur, he'll need your help. You're going to get killed if you stay here any longer!"

No matter the excuses, I refused to leave his side. 

"Look at me, Mathieu, look at my body, I'm a dead man. I'd rather you be saved and out of harm's way. Please, turn around now, they're too strong."

I shook my head and began hoisting him up on my shoulder.

"For the love of God, Mathieu, Laissez-moi tranquille! Allez! How many times do I have to say for you to understand? Listen to me dammit!"

My response was very harsh, and I was close to striking his head with the barrel of my gun just so he would stop talking. I've been through enough tough troubles to turn back as he said I should, I wasn't going to make this all for nothing. I'm finished with everyone treating me like a child who can't take care of himself when they try doing something alone.

I will drive Papa to my base first so he would recover, then take him to meet with Arthur. I thought they'd stay together because they're much stronger that way, I guess not. Too much is happening and too much has happened for me to give a damn now. All I look forward to from this point is for this horrible war to be over, and all sides will cease fire; all sides will return home to where they won't get hurt anymore. The world, unfortunately, thinks differently.

Your inflamed friend, Matthew

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