I Didn't Expect This, Not One Bit (America)

180 13 2

15 May, 1929

I never thought I'd stay here for this long. I expected it to be a week, but no, it's been three months.

Four days after I arrived, it took a lot of talking for him to explain all that was going on, and knowing me, the topic made my brain hurt. I was never the one with financial literacy. However the issue originates in my state, so maybe I could tell them what Mat said. What put pressure on my shoulders was when he asked me what he should do. I couldn't say "I don't know" because he'd be annoyed with that answer. I honestly didn't know what to do, I've never sniffed around the area of stock marketing. All I could say was to play it out for now all the while finding ways to improve it from losing it's value completely. I'd fly to New York, tell them about the issue, and from there resolve everything.

The day ended fair. He didn't smile as much as he usually does, in fact, he barely smiled at all. It was when I gave him the eagle statue and blue icing cake did his lips curve up. I was right! They had a bakery and restaurant that served hamburger steaks there! When I gave him a slice of the cake, he looked about ready to throw up. Was it because I asked the baker to put extra icing and white sprinkles on it? He had trouble finding where to start due to how big his slice was. To me it looked small. I told him to start at the end because it's easier to move up; you'll get more in your mouth as you go. Mat couldn't find the end, and although I kept pointing to said location, he kept tilting his head around to find it. I started to get impatient and wanted to return to my glorious slice of cake, so I jabbed my fork at the end and shoved the piece in his mouth. His reaction was late and already there was blue icing running from the corner of his lips to his cheek.

His face was red, white, and blue. I don't know what I could make of it. I laughed to try and get my head out of the gutter, but it failed. Something was there and I felt it. He got me back by taking his plate and shoving it in my face. I won't complain, I deserved it. The little fight continued when we went to the sink to wash our dishes and faces.

Remember when I told you about how Matthew and I had this oddity with our hair? Well, the same thing happened. Except, things may have gotten a little too out of hand. After I got done cleaning my face up he noticed I had some icing left on my cowlick. 

"Here you missed a spot."

After rubbing that spot for a few seconds, I acted involuntary of my consciousness and pushed him against the counter. Oh dear, I found my hands gripping his wrists; his face both shocked and a hint fearful. There wasn't much space between us, and I still shake my head as I write, for pulling his curl was half of a mistake and half of a confession. A mistake: to think an agreement would last forever is silly, because if we did, we wouldn't have been pulling each other's curls right then and there. A confession: he pulled my hand back to his curl when I tried pulling away.

How should I feel about this? How should I have felt about that incident in the kitchen? I keep convincing myself that Matthew was in a low state and didn't really think before he acted, but something is in the way of believing it to be true. This is all so cliche!

Things escalated from there, and I'm not sure if jotting it down will improve my behavior any better. What do you think? Would you want to know what happened? I don't know because I'm not you.

All of this could explain why Matthew is in my bed right now. No other explanation could say better than what went on in the kitchen and then on. Oh, look at me, I'm repeating everything! I'd better stop and get my head out of my bottom, this is serious. Yet, I want to have some fun too. This is messing me up! Whatever will happen, please don't take me the wrong way as being a sadist who's getting enjoyment from my advantage of Mat's near-dead state. I want him to be well as soon as possible.

Your keeper, Alfred

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