I Don't Want to Go Alone (Canada)

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14 August, 1915

        Expect me to be on a plane in about fifteen minutes because that's all the time I'll have to kiss this soil a temporary farewell. The meeting me and Alfred went to ended horribly for we didn't really stay on a topic other than what happened to each of us from the Central Powers. If this is how it's going to be like from now on, then do not bother inviting me because I'd rather stay home. I wish I could've found you back in July, I would've had a lot to say from a certain fool who decided to detonate an important Pacific railroad bridge. Yes, it was that important, the railroad travels far and not just around the country. Driving back to the comfort of my house, I found a package displaced on the front porch. In it were a military outfit with the abbreviations C.E.F on a sleeve,  a helmet, rifle, miniature first-aid kit, generally everything I need for protection to last me there. On the bottom read a letter that told me what time my plane would arrive to fly me to England and the ship that would sail me to France. I don't care what happens to me, I just want to save Papa from absolute destruction. He too has the same immortality as me and Alfred have. All of us.

Alfred, I shouted at him when we were leaving the meeting. It was very cruel of me to, and I regret the things I've said. However I cannot refrain myself whenever I'm beyond mad, it's simply impossible for anyone to. Twelve minutes down, and I'm leaving shortly. I'll have to apologise to him when we rendezvous in France, hopefully he'll forgive and understand me by then.

Your friend, Matthew

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