Chapter 12

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Lui's POV:

I stopped training for a moment and glanced at Murasaki, curious to see what she was doing, only to see her doing flips and cartwheels around the room. It's at times like this I question my life choices. Why the hell did I decide to go with her? I still curse my child self about that decision to this day. I tilted my head to the side as she started doing a cartwheel into a flip. I watched her fall to the floor once again, and then meet my gaze. I cocked an eyebrow. "What the hell are you doing this time?"

She shrugged, equally as baffled as I was as to what she was doing. I have honestly given up on her at this stage. "I was trying to be creative with the way I think and do things, and then ended up doing that... whatever that was."

"How are we still friends?" I asked, still questioning life at this point. It's just a bunch of bullshit at this stage. I question why I even bother. Nothing ever makes sense anymore. You'd think I'd be used to it.

"Who the hell knows at this point? But, who the hell cares?" She sat up and grinned at me, her undying optimism somehow still in full tact as she shrugged away any and every other opinion that may harm her.

"I care. You're going to ruin my reputation." I told her with an irritated growl, and she smirked at me, a devilish look in her eyes.

"Dude, your reputation was ruined the moment you told the press about me." She gave me a smug look, a proud smile coming to her face. She knew she had won this round, and she was already gloating about it to me. Fucking bitch. "There's no point in trying to hide me away, my weirdness cannot be contained, Lui."

"It sure as hell can't be." I agreed, turning back to my training with a sigh. There's no point talking to her in this state, she's a fucking deluded ass crazy woman, and I don't wanna be dealing with that right now.

"Hey, Blueberry?" I could hear the caution in her voice, and I was almost scared to ask my next question. I could feel my day getting ruined, and it was already bad as it is.

"What now?" I closed my eyes and waited for her answer, hoping it wasn't anything stupid, but knowing that nothing smart ever actually came out of her mouth.

"I know you're in a fairly good mood and stuff, and I would hate to kill the good vibes, but Valt's coming." I know she was anticipating a really bad reaction, but it's only gonna be a mediocre one.

"He's not coming in." I snapped, not wishing to see his stupid face anymore than I already have. I'm almost at my limit for social interaction, and if she's gonna be here much longer I wanna save it so I'm not too much of an ass to her later down the line.

"And he's bringing Gabe and Shu with him." She continued to give me bad news, and all I could do was let out an irritated sigh.

"Only Gabe's allowed in." He's the only one with half a brain, and the other two I despise at the best of times, so I refuse to see any of them.

Why do you hate Shu so much? Is it because he's a threat?

...No. Why do you care?

I think it's a stupid reason to hate someone. It's not his fault he's good at what he does, is it? He quite literally learned from the best.

Well, yeah, but still. He's too good for his own good. I just want to protect him.

From the very thing you trained him to be?

I did what I had to. Who are you to judge?

Fair enough.

"Too late! I'm already here!" Aoi exclaimed, breaking my train of thought and I turned to see a massive grin plastered on his face, and two irritated friends standing on either side of him. Typical Aoi.

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now