Chapter 38

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Lui's POV:

"Why are you still here?" I snapped, now pissed off at my teammate's presence. I don't understand why he does this every single time something in my life goes wrong. He should worry about his own problems instead of focusing on everyone else. I can't complain, though. I've learned to enjoy the company.

"Do you mind if I stay the night?" He replied with a yawn, and I was almost tempted to let him stay around. His presence was peaceful. It always had been, for some strange reason. But, I had a reputation to uphold. I'm not going to ruin it for a little peace of mind. I'm not that desperate.

"Yes, I mind," I told him with a scowl, and he just smiled at me, seeing right through the anger, just like always. Maybe that's why I kept him around. Because he saw me for me, and not the monster I was forced to be.

Gabe shrugged, his eyes darting around the room. He had always been good at convincing me to do what he wanted, and I hated it. "I might have to stay. My parents think I'm gonna be at my 'girlfriend's' house, and no one wants me around."

"Then sleep on the streets, for all I care, just leave me alone," I whined, suddenly realising how harsh this kind of reaction may be. Eh. He's used to it by now.

"You're still whining at me?" He cocked an eyebrow, unfazed by this entire exchange. It must be exhausting being around me. How does he do it?

"Yes, I'm still whining at you, now fuck off," I said, and this seemed to spark a curiosity within him. He had always been a weird one, but I won't complain. He's done a lot for me.

"Fine, I'll make a deal with you. I'll leave, but you can't destroy any more of your house." He reasoned with me. I can't believe I have to make a deal with him so he can get out of my own house. Is this what parental worry is supposed to be like? It's fucking annoying. And yet, at the same time, I can't help but want more.

"I'll try," I said, happy to compromise with him for now. He had always been a fair person, anyway - always had people's best interests at heart. I don't think there's a selfish bone in the guy's body, as ridiculous as that sounds. I respect the dude for it.

"Good enough for me." We shook on it and he stood up. I can never read him, though, and it frustrates me to no end. I want to know what's going through that stupid brain of his. "You coming to training today?"

"Nope, I fucking hate everybody right now," I told him, dreading the thought of having to face my team members. That's future me's problem. They can't hate me more than they already do, anyway, so I don't have too much to worry about.

"What's new, satan?" He asked, and I glared at him. I didn't appreciate the nickname. I had never minded being called anything else, but that nickname in particular got under my skin so much. I have learned to despise it, and I don't know where this initial hatred came from, but it has driven me to some nasty acts of violence that I would rather not repeat.

"Just go. I need to clean up before Murasaki calls." I said, tired and ready to give up.

"Alright, I'm leaving." Gabe walked off and I heard the front door open and close. Finally, he's gone. I looked around at the mess on the floor and sighed. Murasaki's gonna be pissed if she sees this.

 You shouldn't have done it then.

Shut up.

What are we doing tomorrow?

Going out with Zac, I think. Why?

Is the blue-haired kid gonna be there?

No, but why do you care?

I don't want to see you make a fool out of yourself.

I would not make a fool out of myself.

I'm sorry master, but you're becoming soft and foolish and weak and it's horrid.

Luinor, say one more word and I swear to God, I will destroy you. I am not weak or soft or foolish, and I don't give a shit if you think it's horrid.

You wouldn't dare destroy me. You need me.

I don't need you. I've survived on my own, and I'm pretty sure I could easily do it again. I think you've got it the wrong way round. You need ME.

Yes, master. I have a question, though.


Why do you suddenly care whether you're weak or not? It was you who said earlier that you don't care if you're weak or not, and that we're changing our battle plan.

I know what I said, Luinor. I'm just in a bad place right now, and I'm confused, and I don't know what's right or wrong anymore. I hate it.

Then stick to what you know.


"Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and perhaps so were you. But the roses have wilted, the violets are dead, the sugar bowl's empty and your wrists are stained red. The sun isn't shining, the sky isn't clear, there's no silver cause you're no longer here. Rain keeps on pouring, there's no end in sight. You're laying there frozen, so far from the light. Your beauty's unreal, your smile the sun. But time can't be turned nor your actions undone. The words that you wrote that only I read, 'I love you so much, please don't cry when I'm dead.' A bond that we formed, a love that ran deep, a pain that we shared, a friend I could keep. I wanted to hold you, wipe the tears from your eyes. Been there that moment you said your goodbye. I want to forget, but most times I don't. I want to let go, but I know that I won't. Tears on my face, memories burned into my head. The roses have wilted, the violets are dead."

End of Flashback

What was the point in bringing that up again?


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