Chapter 13

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Valt's POV:

We made our way back home in hope that we could get some beybread. Murasaki walked behind me, claiming that she didn't trust me not to run off, and I trailed behind Gabe and Shu as I thought about the conversation I just had with Lui. In all honesty, that went a million times better than I thought it would, and it greatly confuzzles me. Lui was not only alright with my company, but he also seemed way more chillaxed than usual, and it scared me. What's happened to him?

Don't think about it too much, Young Aoi. You might hurt yourself.

*huff* I am not that bad! Why does everybody think I'm an idiot?

Because that's how you've always acted in front of us. You fooled the fools by acting like a fool.

I'm gonna need you to say that one more time, I didn't quite catch it. Actually, don't bother. It sounded confusing.

Valt Aoi, the wonder boy, surpassing everyone's expectations.

Hmm? Yeah, what's up?

Nothing. I was just thinking.


Did you ever think you were going to get this far?

In Beyblade? Yeah, of course! Cos I always had you by my side, Valtryek, which meant I was bound to go far! With Lui? Not in a million years. I thought we'd become extinct first, and this is only the first step.

Only the first step? What are you talking about?

Just wait and see, buddy.

The sound of a bey being launched brought me out of my thoughts, and when I looked up I saw Daigo practising with Doomscizor. I grinned. This could be my chance to test my skills! And mum doesn't have to find out about this. If she doesn't, I'll come out of this unscathed, and a lil' bit stronger. We've always been about equal in strength, so it'll be good practice.

"Hey, Daigo!" I shouted, which surprised him, and made him mess up his launch. Whoops...I didn't mean to do that. That's when I realised something. Everything about his launch was different. He must be trying out a new move. That's so awesome! Now I really wanna battle him!

How do you do it?

Do what?

Change between personalities so quickly and easily? It's terrifying. No person should be able to do it.

I guess it's a skill I've picked up. The ability to pretend everything is all beyblade and beybread, and fool everyone into thinking that I'm alright. In a way, I guess you could call it a defence mechanism I've had ever since I was little. It keeps people away so they don't have to worry about the worst of me.

Interesting... Despite how open you seem to be, there are so many things you're trying to hide behind a smile, and that alone. But yet this mask has taken years to develop.

I wouldn't say years. I didn't have that much time to find my smile. It was more like a single year to find the perfect smile to fit the perfect mask and to find the perfect excuse to always be alright.

Perfect excuse?

My naivety and innocence fool even the best of people, and they all think that I'm too pure to have had anything bad happen to me. Yet my past is a sad one, and I can't tell anyone. So, a smile is all I can do right now. And anyway, a smile a day keeps your friend's worries away!

And yet you still care so much for the people who can't even notice your own pain. It's such a sad and lonely existence. Don't you ever get tired?

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now