Chapter 2

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Lui's POV:

“What’s going on, you guys? What did I miss?” We both looked towards the WBBA building to see Gabe standing there, bag in his hand, and a confused look on his face. It looked like he was questioning everything he knew about us. If he questions this later, I’m denying everything and I’m gonna make him think he's crazy. I don’t care how much he saw, I’m still bullshitting my way through it. He doesn't need to know that we can tolerate being around each other. I can just imagine the endless teasing. It’s draining me just thinking about it. I am not prepared in the slightest. I get enough bullshit as it is, I don’t need this added onto the end of it. But life would be easier if he knew so we wouldn’t have to hide it as much as we do. It’s just the risk of if other people find out that the monsters have made an “alliance” and come with their pitchforks and fire. I can just imagine the uproar. I fucking hate people.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I asked, already fed up with everything that's been happening recently; life really was not giving me a break. I was not in the mood to be talking to anybody else right now; I am already at my wit’s end. People - especially Kurenai - are infuriatingly annoying to deal with, and I want nothing to do with anyone for the next two days, at the very least. I swear to God, if anyone else approaches me when I am not prepared for social interaction then I am committing arson, and it will not be questioned by anyone, which is even better. The benefits of being a monster. It may be a crappy nickname, and I may suffer immensely because of it, but it sure as hell does have its moments.

“You two aren’t trying to kill each other like you usually are, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s concerning me seeing you two like this.” His eyes darted between the two of us as we glared at each other. A bit of a late reaction, but who cares? He shall never know. Or be the only person to know, and no one will believe him. Either could work for me, to be honest. Either way, this isn’t getting out to the general public. To everyone else, it looks like we’re arguing, which is great. They will never know. Gabe sighed. “There’s no point in putting on an act now, I saw everything. You two are hopeless.”

“This is not an act!” I shouted at him, slightly flinching when I realised how loud I had gone but was still pissed that he would even suggest such a thing. He thinks this a fucking act, what a fucking joke. Why, in the name of Beyblade, would I put on an act for Kurenai’s sake? That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard all day and I’ve been around the general public for most of it. This is why I hate people - they’re all a bunch of dumbasses, and no one can change my mind. This world is full of idiots and I have to put up with them all. Gabe shrugged.

“If you say so.” He stared at the idiot that was standing next to me, a troubled look on his face. It was like he was trying to figure out how he was going to word what he wanted to say. I don’t get why people think about what they need to say. Just say what you need to say and then be done with it. So what if it’s a little harsh? People need to toughen up anyway. Gabe smiled slightly. “Thanks a bunch, Shu. I owe you one.” He looked at me, disappointment clear in his eyes, and I looked away from him. I don’t wanna have to face that. “I don’t know what any of us would have done without you stepping in.”

Kurenai nodded, glancing at me and giving me a small smile, which I refused to acknowledge. We shouldn’t be getting friendly to each other in public. We’re enemies and monsters, which means being together is bad enough. People will start getting the wrong idea, and he doesn’t need the extra abuse. “Don’t mention it. No matter how much I hate his guts sometimes, I could never let him intentionally destroy his prism. He is the best Japan has, no matter how much we may hate it, and I can’t let him go down like that. And anyway, I still have a score I need to settle with him.”

Kurenai’s eyes started to glow again, and I gave a small grunt. I don’t care why he stopped me from destroying my bey, and in all honesty, I don’t give a crap about his opinion in general. He can go and shove it up his ass before I even start to give a damn about this kind of shit. I saw Gabe’s annoyed look out the corner of my eye and shrugged in response. The most he’s gonna do is shout at me, which doesn’t bother me too much. The longer I have to wait to go home, the better. It can’t get any worse than that. As long as he’s not full-blown angry, I couldn’t care less what happens next."

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now