Chapter 18

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Luinor's POV:

I watched the two argue with each other, like usual, and I smiled to myself. The boy's not as heartless as this world has made him out to be, he just uses his heart less because that's all he knows. It's what he was taught to do. It's not like anyone gave a damn about him enough to show him a different way. Maybe the bluenette can teach him a thing or two about using heart a bit more. Or at least remind Lui of who he once was before this world chewed him up and spat him out.


We had just won our first tournament after I managed to convince him to take part in it, and honestly, it was brutal, even by our standards. He has changed so much. Is his father's influence really this great now? It's terrifying. He's getting out of control. I won't be able to stop him if he carries on like this. Does he even have a limit to what he'll do?

Why are you so heartless?

I'd rather be heartless than have my heart in pieces.

-End of Flashback-

I will never forget what he said to me at the end of the tournament, or the look on his face when he told me it. This boy had been broken by the world time and time and time again, and he didn't want to have to take any more shit. So, he became the monster the world had raised him to be and watched them play the victim when he went there. But he has proved time and time again to me - and everyone else - that he still has a heart under that cold and stoic attitude of his. I won't give up on this kid. I looked at the girl. And she won't give up on anyone as long as she lives. This means he still has someone fighting in his corner.

"Luinor." I turned to my name to see Murasaki's bitbeast lurking in the shadows. That's the most ridiculous thing I've seen all day, and I've seen a lot today, so that's saying something. She is literally a glowing white dragon, how the hell is she supposed to blend in with anything? This is bullshit. I narrowed my eyes at her. Aoijosei.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, wondering why all this crap is happening now that Lui is deciding to change. What does this world have in store for us this time?

"Something is going to happen, Luinor. Something big. And I want to make sure everyone is safe for now." She said, looking through the screen at our wielders. Well, no bloody shit Sherlock. Something's going to happen. I would never have guessed with the non-stop bullshit so far. Life stops for no one and all that crap.

"For now?" I cocked an eyebrow and looked back at the screen to see that the arguments had stopped and Lui was shaking, his own trauma controlling him and every move he made. The kid needs a break. It's a shame he'll probably never get one. I pity the poor thing, as much as I tease him. But he's strong. He can take it. Not that he has a choice. I looked at her when she started talking again, not realising how long she had paused. Was she waiting for me?

"This foe is one that cannot be kept at bay. At least, not anymore. Beware of the masked bladers, Luinor." She warned me, a wary look on her face when she did so, and then disappeared from sight. I let out a small sigh and turned back to the two bladers who had started arguing about something or another. Some warning that is. What's that supposed to mean? Who are the masked bladers? Fuck knows anymore, I give up trying.

I'll be a pain about it later. But for now, I need to try and calm the kid down. His PTSD is gonna be the death of him one of these days. He was damned the moment he was born and traumatised before he could even walk. They never gave him a chance. But he's a Shirosagi, so who the hell cares what happens to him? I don't know how he does it.

What choice did I have? It's not like I've known any different.

Which is the saddest part of it all.

I would rather it this way than have all my happiness ripped away from me. That would be a lot more painful in more ways than one.

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now