Chapter 15

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Lui's POV:

I sat down, deciding to take a break from training, and stared at my water bottle, my mind revisiting what Valt had said. Be nice to someone for one day. It was such a random request, and I have no idea why I agreed to go along with it. It's not like I'm gonna get anywhere with it. Does he think I'm gonna magically stop being a monster after being nice for one day? I sighed. This is a load of bullcrap. Why the hell do I have to be nice to anyone? Nobody deserves my kindness. They all deserve to rot in hell.

God, you are a monster.

God, what has this world turned me into?

What? What do you mean by 'this world'? You did this to yourself, master, whether you want to believe it or not. It's not like there's anyone else to blame.

I didn't do shit. I didn't have to. They destroyed me and any piece of sanity or peace I had left when I lost my mum. They turned me into a monster and then expected me to apologise for acting like one.

You probably should apologise every once in a while. You are a bit... harsh. It's unfair to them. They're not all evil.

Why should I apologise for being a monster when they haven't apologised for making me one? They're all evil bastards who put me through hell for absolutely no reason. I was just a child. I didn't know what the hell was going on, or anything. I had just lost my mum, I lived in an abusive household, and now the world hated me for no reason. I was fucking child, what was I supposed to do?


It's fucking ridiculous. I am not a monster. I never have been, and I never wanted to be. But the world needed a bad guy, and it had to be me just because of who my father is. But I am not my father, and for some reason, nobody could tell the difference between us two just because I was a Lui. They took everything from me, and it's not fair. I did nothing to deserve this. I simply existed.

Young Shirosagi?

Hmmm? Who the hell are you?

That does not matter. Just remember your journey and be considerate of others. You've seen how the brightest of faces have come from the darkest of places and have suffered immensely for actions that were out of their control. Watch out for those people. They know how to rise above what is expected of them. And they know how to change lives.

I know, but what has that got to do with anything? Stupid Valt doesn't understand what he's doing or anything around him. He has no idea. He's just a stupid kid, and that's all he'll ever be.

He knows a lot more than you would like to acknowledge. Let him in, let him share in your pain, Young Shirosagi.

No. I need to do this on my own. I don't need anyone. And especially not Valt and his weak-ass friends. I can do this all on my own just like I always have done. Just like my father raised me too.

Look at where you are. Look at where you started. The fact that you're alive is a miracle. Just let him inside your heart.Let him be a part of the narrative. In the story, they will write someday. Let tomorrow be the first chapter. Where you decide to change.



Maybe she has a point. Maybe it is time to let somebody in. I'm so tired of this life I'm living. Maybe he can make it worthwhile.

You're willing to change everything for the sake of a boy?

Maybe. We'll just see how horrible tomorrow turns out.

You say it with such positivity.

I don't have much faith in the kid. Never have done, and I probably never will do. But then again, he's the wonder boy. Making miracles happen is kinda what he does.

I guess it is. We'll just have to wait and see. Right?

Yeah. I guess we will.

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now