Chapter 19

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Valt's POV:

I lay in the sleeping bag, staring up at the ceiling with a melancholy feeling. We were all sleeping in the living room together. Free was sprawled out on a sofa, asleep before anyone else was, which was to be expected. Shu was on the opposite sofa, claiming it when nobody else offered to take it. He was the last to fall asleep out of the three - his insecurities killing him from the inside out, and I have honestly never felt so useless when it comes to this kind of stuff. I don't know how to help him. I can't even help myself. Brunai was on the blow-up bed because mum said I had to take the least comfortable option, which is the sleeping bag. He fell asleep fairly quickly considering this is a new place and all. They're all asleep, and then there's me, incapable of falling asleep. But for once, my thoughts aren't torturous, which is a nice break. I can't stop thinking about Lui, and that phone call from earlier.


"I wanted to say thanks." He told me, which took me by surprise. He wanted to say... thanks? I never expected Lui to be capable of gratitude, but here we are. Say thanks for what, I wonder?

"What for?" I asked, more confused than ever. I haven't done anything yet. He's giving me way too much credit for whatever I have apparently done.

"For being there, that's all. Just for being there, for listening, and for genuinely caring about me. Not many people would do that for me - next to no one, actually, if anybody. And I'm grateful that you're actually bothered about me. It means a lot." He explained, and I had no idea how to react to this. How should I react to this, people? I honestly have no clue.

"Really?" I questioned him, not quite sure I believed what I heard. Why did Lui really put aside all of his worthless pride just to say thank you?

"Yeah, really." He replied

-End of Flashback-

He wanted to say thank you to me, of all people. It was so strange and out of character for someone who seemed like a heartless monster. I glanced at Shu, who was asleep. Not peacefully, but asleep. I guess looks can be deceiving. Two monsters who aren't what the world makes them out to be. It's crazy. But I still would have never expected him to do anything like that. I don't know what to make of it. It's so strange. He's actually bothering to change.

He let down the walls that he had built so high and so strong in front of you because you decided to trust him with a piece of you that you couldn't trust to anyone else. Why did you decide to tell him anything? What has he done to earn your trust?

I remember not long after I met him, I was looking for you after I had lost you by accident, and he was standing by a grave, singing. There were tears in his eyes and he was choking on his words. The arrogant white tyrant was suffering just as any other person had. He was human too. And I thought that he deserved a second chance at life, especially after seeing what happened to his father.

Who was the grave for?

His mother, I believe. I don't think they were close, but losing a family member, despite how close you are, is still hard.

Yes, I guess it is. As you said, he's human too...

To get someone to open up to you, especially someone like Lui, you've got to give them a reason to trust you. If that means opening up about my past, then so be it. By telling him about what happened all those years ago, I can set a common ground with him, and gain some trust.

But why would you want to do either?

Because I want to understand him. I want to know why Lui Shirosagi is so heartless - why he feels like he has to act this way.

Fair enough. But I have one more question for you, Young Valt. Why did you make him agree to be nice to someone for a whole day? What was the point in making that deal with him?

Hmm... Well, it's kinda hard to explain my thought process, I don't think I completely understand it myself, but I guess you could say I wanted to see if he could do it.

Do what?

I wanted to see if he could use his heart more, and maybe even see my end of it all. I smiled to myself. Lui isn't a monster. He just knows how to shut people without a second thought - it's what, I assume, his father has taught him from such a young age that he just does automatically now. His defences are thick enough to keep any person out, but the right thing can easily break them down.

And you finally found the right thing?

Be relatable. Make him feel comfortable. Find some common ground with him by telling him your pains. You gain his respect then. He just wants to know that he is not alone.

How did you figure all that out?

Subtle hints, clues. In the short time that I've known him, as much as he despised me and tried to push me away, I've learned more about him than most people have learned in years.

How do you manage to do it?

I know what to look for and how to hide what I know well. I'm an aloof moron, and I rely on that act to hide everything.

People really do take your personality for granted, don't they?

I guess so. It's kinda refreshing, in a way. It lets me do things like this in peace, without people interfering, even if it does annoy everyone else in the process. They're not used to seeing the wonder boy using his head, even if it's just a bit. In a way, it's a blessing

I sat up in bed and glanced around the room at all the sleeping faces. They can't know about what happened to me when I was little. I can't let them find out about how messed I am. Nobody can. But I can't shoulder the weight of the world on my own anymore, I guess. Hmm... maybe it's time for me to share my story. Even if it is someone as heartless as Lui. My eyes settled on them all one at a time and I let out a shaky sigh. Or maybe I just have to man up and suck it in. I looked at my hands, a sudden wave of sadness taking over me. I wonder what my life would be like... if I wasn't an Valt. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself and ward off any bad thoughts, and then started quietly singing to myself.

"Maybe if someone had just one cure; kids could enjoy their childhood. Maybe if someone would stop these guns; kids wouldn't die so young. Maybe if someone was by their side; kids wouldn't have taken their life. Maybe if someone was there that night those girls wouldn't have been raped that night. Just maybe if we put down these guns. Just maybe if we showed each other love. Just maybe, just maybe our world would change."

I sighed, and let a tear leak. I can't believe I'm so weak sometimes - it's pathetic. I wiped the tears away and looked out the window. Maybe... if I continue to hope... our world can change.

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now