Chapter 29

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I wonder if he ever regretted what he did when we first met, or whether he even remembers our first encounter. I may have met him, but not everything ends with happily ever after. But I guess we did get ridiculously close. I wonder if that's his way of saying sorry. Or whether he's looking for another weakness to exploit. At this stage, I don't know what to believe. I can't read him, and I hate it. Zac glanced at everyone behind me and smiled.

"And you brought friends!" He exclaimed, and I tried my hardest not to scream. He shouldn't be able to fake it this easily. He shouldn't be able to pretend. Why? Why is he doing this? And why does it hurt so much? Why am I the one suffering?

"Of course! I wouldn't go to a festival without them!" I replied, grinning. But they don't need to know. I just have to keep on pretending, keep on smiling, and they will never know. It hurts, sure, but I can do it. I can take the pain. I don't have a choice. I have to. No one else is gonna shoulder it for me.

"More like you couldn't go to a festival without us." Rantaro mumbled, and my smile stayed plastered to my face without faltering. I mean, who would want to help me shoulder this? They all have their own problems, and mine are so pointless and insignificant. I'll just shut up about it. It doesn't matter. It never has, and it never will. I wish this world would change.

"Watch it," Shu replied, glaring at him, and Rantaro cowered away

"Yes, mum." Rantaro replied, glancing at Shu and then quickly averting his gaze to the opposite direction.

Zac chuckled as the rest of the group erupted into arguments and Shu tried to calm them down. And that's when my smile faltered. When none of them were watching, I could afford to let myself crumble a little bit. Zac put a hand on my shoulder and I flinched before he whispered in my ear, "I heard you made an agreement with a certain angry tyrant."

"Where'd you hear that?" I asked, giving him a curious glance and he responded with a small smile and a shrug.

"I have my ways. Is it true?" He had a curious look in his eyes, and I hesitated. Luiuld I really tell him? I want to tell him so badly because I would love some help with my plan, but at the same time, he's put me through hell and back, and this is killing me. And I don't know if he'll use this against me later. I honestly don't know whether I want to keep such a risky relationship, or should I cut ties?

But he's my brother, and I've been waiting for this moment for my entire life. But he isn't the same person I remember. He's changed in ways I don't like. But I guess that's what happens. Pain changes people in ways you can't imagine. As the saying goes, those who have felt pain have a beautiful heart or become heartless. So, should I really let him in? He is my brother, but I don't know...

What do you think?

I glanced at Zac, who had a snide look on his face, and I suppressed a glare. He doesn't need to know my plan or my motives. He may be my biological brother, but he gave that actual title up a while again. I refused to look at him and kept my eyes trained on my arguing friends.

"Your sources are wrong. I don't know what you're talking about." I told him, and my eyes met Shu's, who rolled his eyes. I smiled in response, finding a small amount of humour in his situation. Please hurry up with them, Shu. I don't wanna be here anymore.

"You look uncomfortable. Why is that?" Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Zac's eyes had skimmed over me.

"I wonder why," I replied bluntly, and the whole group went silent, staring at me. They all held looks of concern, and I looked at the floor, feeling uncomfortable under everyone's stares.

"Valt? You alright?" Shu asked, and I nodded, looking up at them and giving them the brightest smile, I had given them in a while.

"Totally fine! Why'd you ask?" I asked, any hint of hostility now gone from my voice. Don't let them know, Valt. They don't deserve to know how far you're falling; how much your life is crumbling. Shu hummed in response and Zac squeezed my shoulder, giving everyone a friendly smile.

"Well, I have to go now. See you guys later." Zac started walking away, and everyone watched as he did so, all with confused looks on their faces.

"Did we just flat out ignore him for the past five minutes?" Rantaro asked, looking at me, who was the only person who bothered to speak to him. I wish I didn't, he wasn't worth my time, but be that as it may. I can't change that. I put my hands in my pocket, wrapping my hand around Valtryek.

"Yep, you did," I said, still watching my so-called brother walk off. I guess he doesn't love me after all. He's not even trying too hard to patch up our relationship. I've spent the past three months thinking there was something wrong with me, and that he hated me. I guess I was right. But maybe... maybe...

"Uh, Valt? Are you sure you're alright?" Shu had the most concerned look on his face, and I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

"Of course, I am. Why'd you ask?" I watched his hand go to my face, his fingers delicately wiping away the tears that were streaming down my cheek.

"You're crying, and that both worries and scares me to no end," Shu confessed, and I took in a deep breath, smiling the biggest smile I could currently muster. Just be happy, Valt. That's all you have to be. It shouldn't be that hard. You've only been feigning it your entire life.

"I'm fine, Shu! I promise you!" I pointed at my face. "See? Look, I'm smiling."

Shu frowned. "Just because you're smiling, doesn't mean you're happy. Anyone can fake a smile."

"Just let the poor kid be, man. If he says he's happy then he's happy. The kid can't lie to save his life." Rantaro stood up for me, and I gave him a grateful smile.

Shu narrowed his eyes at me, still not particularly convinced by the act that I was putting on, which I took slight offence by, but decided to let it pass, because what the hell could he do? "Sure, whatever. I think I'll keep a closer eye on you, though. I'm worried about what might happen."

"Ugh, fine, if you have to," I mumbled

"Come on, let's have a look around. I came here to have fun, not to watch people have emotional breakdowns." Rantaro said, and Shu gave him a death glare. "I take it back, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, I swear!"

"That's what I thought," Shu replied, glancing at me before taking my hand, a wary look on his face. "Let's go."

"Shu, you don't have to hold my hand," I whispered, pouting, and Shu rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I do." He whispered back, and my pout turned into a scowl as I stuffed my free hand in my pocket. This isn't fair. I'm not a little kid anymore. I can take care of myself. Not that he knows that, but it's still not fair. I smelled the scent of food, and my eyes landed on the food stands, which looked delicious. My stomach growled after a second, and I tugged on Shu's hand. His eyes fell on me and I looked up at him.

"Can we get some food?" I asked, my stomach growling again in agreement.

"We just got here." He said, amusement in his eyes. I'm glad he finds my situation funny, but I just want some food. I don't care if we've been here 5 minutes or 5 hours, I'm hungry now.

"And I'm hungry!" I replied, in which he shook his head in disbelief as a small smile crept onto his face.

"What do you want?" He sighed, trying his hardest to hide his smile.

"Alright!" I exclaimed, pulling him towards a stand, and behind us, I heard everyone else chuckle at my actions.

"Always thinking about your stomach, aren't ya, buddy?" Rantaro asked, and I nodded absentmindedly. It's all a part of the job description.

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now