Chapter 27

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Valt's POV:

"Let's go, BC Sol." Kris said, just wanting to separate Silas and Rantaro as quickly as she could. "I expect to see you two later, alright?"

"Yes, Kris." Rantaro and I replied in unison, and then they all left. I smiled as I watched them leave. Despite them arguing so much, they can't get enough of each other. They just have what I guess you could call a love-hate relationship. I think they'd be good in an actual relationship if they're not in one already.

"What are you so happy about?" Rantaro asked, cocking an eyebrow, and I panicked slightly, not prepared to be questioned. He doesn't know that I think that. He doesn't *need* to know that I think that. What should I tell him?

"I can't believe everyone's here! It's so awesome! We're like one big, happy family!" I exclaimed, thinking that would be the most in-character thing to say. I don't know, it was a spur-of-the-moment thing and I over thought it way too much.

"A little over the top, doncha think?" Wakiya asked, an irritated look on his face. What's his problem? It's true, isn't it? We are.

"I mean, he isn't wrong." Besu agreed with me, glad that I at least had Ken on my side, even if Wakiya wasn't.

"A little excessive, but the guy has a point. We are kinda like a family, aren't we?" Rantaro looked around the beyclub, seeing if anyone else agreed.

"Yeah, I guess so," Daigo said with an unreadable look on his face, which sent shivers down my spine. What was his problem? There was something... off about him.

"You're kidding, right?" Wakiya cocked an eyebrow up at us, sceptical of the idea of us being a family for whatever reason.

"What's there to kid about?" I asked, tilting my head to the side in curiosity. What makes that so hard to believe?

"Shu, you're not buying into this, are you?" Wakiya asked, and we all turned to face him, to which he only shrugged

"Buying into what exactly?" Hoji asked as he approached the group, a confused look on his face. He's definitely the uncle we see like once a year who swears he knows us but buys us a present to do with something we liked when we were six.

"Us being one big, happy family," I told him, and everyone's attention turned back to Shu, who gave another shrug, as if not quite sure what to say.

"I've already adopted y'all in my mind, so like, we're pretty much family at this stage," Shu said, scratching the back of his neck. "I mean, sure, we're a small, broken family, but who cares?"

A hearty laugh came from behind us, and we all turned to see Xander standing there, a massive grin on his face. "A family's still a family, right?"

"I guess so," Wakiya mumbled, looking slightly annoyed, but there was still a look of relief on his face. His family got split up when he was young and he's still trying to recover. He's glad to have some form of a family.

"Xander!" I exclaimed, running up to him with a massive grin. This is so awesome, I can't believe Xander's here as well. The whole gang's back together.

"Hey there, little buddy. How've you been?" He asked with a laugh, and my grin only grew wider. People won't overly rely on me if they need a source of positivity. I have some freedom.

"Great! Have you heard about the new tournament?" I looked up at him, a sparkle in my eyes, and Xander nodded, smiling at my enthusiasm.

"Yeah, sounds epic, doesn't it?" He matched my enthusiasm, which made me happy that he was trying. He was one of the few people who did try.

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now