Chapter 30

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Valt's POV:

That was some nice grub. Not better than Shu's, though. Nothing can beat Shu's food, not even mum's prisweets. I burped, and then chuckled. "Pardon me. Oh, and thanks for the food, Shu."

"You're welcome. Are you all good now?" He checked, glancing around the group before his eyes settled on me. He's basically asking if I can go 10 minutes without complaining that I'm hungry. I nodded, a smile on my face.

"Yep." We all replied

"Nobody needs the bathroom?" He scanned everyone's faces again

"Nope." We all said, and he nodded, a wave of relief crossing his face. We're not that bad. A memory of us getting kicked out of a festival flashed through my brain. Okay. Maybe we are that bad.

"Alright, let's go," Shu said, taking my hand again. I rolled my eyes as we started walking away from the food stands.

"Where are we going?" I asked, looking at him with a curious look in my eyes. Shu didn't even spare me a glance before responding.

"Anywhere that catches someone's eyes, I guess." He replied

"Anywhere?" I cocked an eyebrow

"Yeah, why?" He looked at me, suspiciously, and I cracked a smile.

"Nothing, don't worry about it. Let's go!" I started running, pulling Shu along with me.

"Valt, slow down!" Shu protested

"Speed up? Alright, if you say so." I started running faster. This is gonna be epic! I'm so excited. What does today have to offer? Sure, Zac is being a pain, but Lui isn't so that evens out more or less. So nothing can go wrong. I grinned at the group of friends who were running behind me. I am the wonder boy, and I will do everything in my power to make everybody smile, no matter what.

About an hour later, we stopped by the stage, the rest of the group panting from the constant running while I was still jumping up and down from the bit of soda Rantaro gave me. The sugar kicked in about ten minutes ago, and they have not had a break since. I kinda feel bad, but at the same time, they brought this on themselves. Never say we can do anything or go anywhere. You've got to give me a limit, or things are gonna get out of hand way too quickly, especially when sugar's involved.

"Alright, who gave Valt some of their soda?" Shu asked in between breaths, and the group glanced between themselves.

"Sorry, I forgot." Rantaro replied, scratching the back of his neck and letting out a nervous laugh.

"Don't worry about it, just don't do it again," Shu said

"Hey guys, I think something's happening on the stage," Kurogami said, pointing to the stage, and we all turned to the stage as Hanami's face appeared on the screen.

"Hello, boys and girls. As you already know, there is a new tournament coming up. Any wielder can enter, but only 27 will be chosen to battle it out with the Prime Four and the Wonder Boy himself. And this all for the chance to battle none other Free De La Hoya. The elimination round is today and will be held in one hour. All the wielders that want to enter the competition will have to show their skills none other than the wonder boy himself, Valt Valt." A spotlight landed on me and everyone stared at me as I stood there, frozen to the spot. So. Many. People. I can't take it.

"You'd think he'd be able to take it by now after everything he's done." Wakiya snapped, glaring at me.

"Give the guy a break, he's just scared of big crowds watching his every move. How is that his fault?" Rantaro tried to defend me

"Guys, quiet down. You're gonna get Valt worked up." Shu scolded, and they both nodded before turning back to Hanami.

"Go get ready, boys and girls, because in one hour we will see Valt Valt against all the wielders who want to be part of the tournament. And then, in two days, the tournament will begin. Are you ready?" Hamani asked, and the whole crowd erupted into cheers. "Alrighty then, so while you're waiting, get some popcorn ready, because things are going to be wild!"

"All food and drink are now half price for the next hour." Zac declared, and the crowd started cheering again. Free food is great and all, but I've just been given the worst possible news ever. Not even food can solve it, and that's saying something. Food can solve almost everything

"Uh, buddy, you alright there? You've been quiet for way too long." Rantaro said, and everyone looked at me. I don't even know what to say anymore. I'm still trying to process it all. This is crazy.

"One hour." I mumbled, finally coming to terms with the news I had been presented with before then deciding to scream, "Why did no one tell me it was today?"

"You didn't know?" Wakiya asked, placing his hand on his hip, not impressed by the turn of events.

"I only found out about the tournament yesterday," I told him, an innocent look on my face.

"WHAT?" He and Rantaro yelled

"Same here..." Shu said

"Yeah, me too," Kurogami added

"You're joking, right?" Rantaro checked, and we shook our heads.

"Well, that's leaving it to the last minute," Keru said, and if puppets could have facial expressions, he would have the most amused face ever.

"Yeah, how come you didn't know?" Besu agreed, and if he could have facial expressions, he would have such a dumbfounded look. I struggled not to laugh at the thought of it.

"I don't know, but I can't do this on such short notice!" I cried, freaking out. How come I never got told? Shouldn't I be one of the first people to find out? That's when I realised that mum found out about it, but just never told me, and I started to get mad at her again. I honestly believe she should have told me so I could have lost sooner. It wasn't worth all the effort. In the end, I just end up letting everybody down. They were all counting on me to win and I didn't.

"You alright there, buddy?" Xander asked, and I looked up at him. I couldn't even return his smile. I mean, I could, but they would find that strange if I was suddenly able to smile while in the process of freaking out.

"I didn't know the battles were today," I told him, a deflated look on my face. I think I should be an actor when I grow up, I would be great at it.

"Are you serious?" I nodded and he burst out laughing. "That's classic. Well, you have an hour to prepare. Is that enough?"

"No, I can't do it!" I cried, headbutting his chest over and over, hoping something magical would happen.

Xander picked me up and sighed, placing me on his shoulders. "Well, it's gonna have to be enough. You can't get any more time."

"Get Lui and Shu to talk. That should get me at least an extra ten minutes." I said, and everyone burst out laughing, except for Shu, who just pouted.

"You can't deny those facts." Xander agreed, which only annoyed Shu more, and he glanced around the group, only to see everyone struggling not to laugh. They all agreed with us. It was hard not to. They hated each other with such a pure passion, it was crazy.

"I am not that bad!" Shu protested, and I chuckled, glad for the bit of comedy in my time of need. And that's when it dawned on me. I provided that comedy. They really can't do anything by themselves, holy dump.

"You've got this, Valt." Xander told me, his eyes sparkling with belief. Why does he trust me so much? "You can do it."

I stared at him, unsure of whether I should believe in his words. Can I actually do it? Am I really up to the challenge? I glanced around the group, seeing the same belief in all their eyes. I guess it doesn't matter whether I believe his words. He has his full faith in me - they all do. I guess I can't let them down now. The wonder boy will perform another miracle. But when can I stop performing miracles? I'm getting tired of having the hopes and dreams of the world on my shoulders. It's not as fun as it looks. But I guess I can't complain. I'm the wonder boy, happy as can be. I have nothing to complain about. Right?

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now