Chapter 23

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Shu's POV:

I watched my energetic friend run out and then smiled to myself. He really is something special, isn't he? How does such an average boy keep performing miracles the way he does? How is he not tired of the way he has to act, or the way people treat him? Sure, they love him. But only for the performance he puts on. Every other piece of him is too irritating for any other person to deal with. It's actually kinda sad. He isn't as loved as people think he is, and people use the excuse that he's the wonder boy to abuse him the way they do, thinking that all the love he receives will outweigh whatever they do to him. People hate him as much as they love him, and that's the curse of the wonder boy. That's the thing he's stuck with.

"That kid needs a reality check," Gabe told us, sitting up and glancing at the door, obviously still tired and unhappy with the way his new alarm clock woke him up.

"Leave him alone," Free said, turning on his side to face us, wearing the same bored expression as always. This isn't the first time he's fallen victim to Valt's early morning wake-up calls. "The kids just got a massive love for life, whether we like it or not. That smile of his can work wonders."

I stared at my brother, contemplating how harshly I should tell him how stupid he is. And he's supposed to be the smart one out of the lot of us. "Don't underestimate him, or what he does. He hides a lot behind his smile, and he hides it well."

"What are you talking about?" Gabe asked, looking at me. I leaned back into the sofa and stared up at the oh-so-interesting ceiling.

"His happiness is only skin deep, no matter how real he makes it look, and his smile is his greatest sin, no matter how many people it saves," I replied, narrowing my eyes at the ceiling. I have seen at his best and his worst. I know what he is capable of and how easily he breaks. And yet this tremendous pressure that he has been put under never seems to faze him, almost as if it were second nature. It's weird; unsettling, even. I don't know. Maybe I'm just overestimating him. Who knows at this stage?

I heard Gabe sigh and glanced at him. He just looked fed up. "He's too happy and carefree for his own good. That's why people trample all over him. He needs to stop."

I went to interject, but Free beat me to it. "He's aware. Very, very aware. Trust me. That boy..." There was some emotion that flashed across his eyes. What has he seen that has ignited this kind of response? "Yes, he is all beyblade and beybread, or at the very least acts like he is, but he is hyperaware of how his actions affect other people and the abuse he will receive in response. He's a prodigy, in that sense, and I believe he has a plan. He's our miracle boy for a reason."

"I don't understand." I said, staring at him. Since when was Valt ever considered a prodigy in anything? Even saying he's one in beyblade is stretching it a bit far. "What do you mean he's a prodigy in that sense."

"He can read how a person will react to certain situations and create a plan based on that. I've seen him do that over and over again, not only when battling but when talking about creating relations with other teams with Kris. He knows what he's doing and how to manipulate us all." Free glanced at us, and I shared a look with Gave. I didn't expect him to have such a good read on Valt. I guess that's why he's captain. "In a way, it's kind of impressive what he can do. But at the same time, it's terrifying to know what he's capable of."

"Are you sure you read him right? Because that doesn't sound like Valt at all." Gabe said, letting out a nervous laugh.

"Do you doubt my abilities?" Free gave him a cold stare, and Gabe looked away, fearful. "I am the captain, and that means my time relies on me to read them correctly so I can help them improve. I know what I'm talking about."

I smiled, letting out a short laugh. "That's my big brother for you."

Free's face seemed to soften as he looked at me. "Now get some sleep. He won't be gone for long. We don't have much time."

I nodded, knowing he'd probably get bored relatively quickly and come home in a mood. I was not prepared for that just yet.

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now