Chapter 11

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"Alex, what are you doing here?" Gabe interrupted, shooting his brother an icy glare. Gabe caught on to what was happening. He knew what Alex was trying to do. And he knew I couldn't stop them because that's too much of a big-brain thing for me. My mask doesn't allow me to be that smart, which is annoying. Especially at times like this. "I thought you were staying with mum in England."

England? What's he doing all the way out there? And why don't they live together? I'm confused. So, if Alex lives with their mum, does that mean Gabe lives with their dad? And if so, does that mean their parents split up or something? Or are they split up because their parents have different jobs, and they took one child each? Hmm... That's a lot to consider. I don't think my little head can take it all at once.

I looked at my mum for some help, but she just gave me a small shrug before walking off, a clear disinterest in the conversation. A lot of help she was. It's like this is none of her business. Well, actually, it isn't, but it means I'm the only one who's been thrown in the deep end. I am so confused about the whole situation. I looked at Shu, who seemed to be intrigued by the whole situation, but managed to keep track. See, he's a smart guy. He may have been thrown in the deep end, but he knows how to swim. He's probably figured all of this out by now. I haven't had to use my head this much in a long time, and it hurts.

"Mum moved back to Japan, and she wouldn't let me stay with Gramps. So now I'm back here with you. Aren't you just the luckiest?" Alex briefly explained with a massive grin on his face. But it was the same way he spoke to Shu - manipulative. He wanted Gabe to leave; to go home and talk to his parents so he'd have more time to talk to Shu. He could be a threat in the future. That scared me. Alex was an uncalculated piece of the equation that could throw everything off. I don't know what to do with him. It doesn't help that I know nothing about him.

Is there anything you can do? This meticulous plan of yours seems based on years of methodical surveillance and careful consideration. Are you really going to let one boy change that because you made a couple of rash decisions?

How much do you know?

Not a lot - you're a very cautious person. But it's enough for now. I just pray it isn't too late for this hope you've created. These people rely on it more than any of them realise. You know that, right?

Of course I know that. I've been there for them through their best and worst times. I've seen what hope can do. I'm the wonder boy. It's my job to perform these fantastical miracles and give hope to these people - these children - when they are at their lowest. I've taken it into consideration, and as much as I hate to say it, my time is coming to an end. I don't know how much longer I have left, and I don't want him to ruin everything I have worked so hard to achieve.

Then you're already stronger than the rest of us, Mr Wonder Boy. You have my full faith, just like always.

I'm sorry it has to end like this. Not for my death, but the events leading up to it. None of you deserved any of this.

"Great, now I have to deal with you as well. Go back home, and we'll talk later." Gabe said with a huff of annoyance, and Alex nodded in agreement. There was a hint of resentment in his eyes.

"Alright, see you later, bro." Alex walked away, and as he passed, he took one final glance at Shu, as if he was confirming what he saw. Gabe's gonna be in trouble when he gets home. That kid's gonna say something to their parents that is gonna make them mad at Gabe. I can just feel it. And I don't like him. But at the same time, I feel like he's hiding something. He's pushing everyone away so he doesn't get hurt. That's the vibe I get from him. Hurt everyone else before you can get hurt yourself. I guess I'll find out eventually. I always do. It can't be helped. The wonder boy is the only person people can trust.

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now