Chapter 10

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Valt's POV:

After a while, it was just me and Shu left in awkward silence. The rest of the beyclub members had left for one reason or another, and I think Shu's still mad at me for not telling him where I was or warning him how late I'd be this time. But it's not my fault. I didn't think Lui would let me actually be near him, or let us be seen in public together. I was surprised, and I think this is something that I best keep from Shu because he would not be happy with me hanging with Lui. Despite being brothers, they hate each other a large amount. I know there's this entire rivalry going on, but in my opinion, they take it to the extreme.

I gave him a curious look. I know Shu's second-best to Lui, and all that, but that's not a reason to hate each other. Plus, they're brothers, so wouldn't they stick together even more because of that brotherhood? They're in the same boat, so why not save each other from drowning? They're not monsters, as much as society wishes they were, and they both know that. Or has it been shoved down their throat so much that it's come to the stage where they believe everything that society tells them, even if it kills them? More of a reason for the wonder boy to go wild before saying goodbye one last time. I'm going home, and I'm bringing this hellhole of a society with me. I shrugged and turned to Shu, who was now inspecting Spryzen.

"What is it, Valt?" He asked, not even looking up at me. How did he know I was looking at him? That's so cool! And also terrifying, when did he learn to do that? Is that the result of societal perfection or just having me as a friend? Probably a bit of both.

"How'd you get Spryzen fixed so quickly?" I looked at his newly fixed bey in wonder and awe. It looked so amazing! Like it was brand new! Maybe now he can finally get his mojo back. He's been in a funk for about a week now, and it didn't fit him. It felt wrong.

"Before I came here, I went to get Spryzen fixed in case anyone wanted to battle." He told me, giving me a small, knowing smile. He did it for me. Always thinking of others, is Shu. In a way, it's flattering, but at the same time, I can't help but feel anything but guilt for the person he was moulded into. I love the guy, but he never does anything for himself. It gets to me. I feel responsible. I am the wonder boy, after all. Performing miracles is what I do best. And yet this one is just out of my reach.

"That's awesome!" I exclaimed, looking over his shoulder to get a better look at Spryzen. I'm so happy that he got it fixed, and it's so awesome that he managed to do it so quickly!

"Do you wanna battle?" Shu asked, peering over his shoulder at me, and I frantically nodded at him in agreement. This is gonna be epic!

"Of course, I wanna battle! Dude, why would you even ask?" I ran over to the stadium and jumped up and down in excitement, my mind on nothing but the battle. "Come on, Shu! Hurry up!"

He chuckled at me, and walked over to the battleground, getting out his launcher on the way. He watched me dance around for a bit before commenting, "You're way more enthusiastic about this than usual."

"I'm just super pumped to face Spryzen again!" I told him, getting Valtryek and my launcher out with a grin. I then stared at his arm for a minute. I wonder if his arm is better yet. He must have noticed me staring because he gave me a small, reassuring smile as he loaded Spryzen into his launcher.

"Are you ready, Valt?" Shu asked, and I nodded. We both got into our launching positions. I need to finish this quickly, just in case his arm hasn't healed yet. I need to beat Shu's Spryzen in the first battle. I need Spryzen to burst. How am I supposed to do that? I've never beaten Shu before. But I'm the wonder boy for a reason. I took a deep breath, and then looked at my best friend, grinning at him. Let's do this, Valtryek. I believe in you.

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now