Chapter 24

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Valt's POV:

I walked back inside the house, a smile plastered on my face. I don't know how long I've been, but it felt good to blow off some steam. At the same time, it was torturous to be left with my thoughts like that. I don't know whether that was truly worth it. And it is so hard to smile right now. But, I don't have a choice. I have to smile as brightly as I can. At least I could think a few things over. "I'm ho-"

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Mum shouted, and I shrunk back in fear, memories of the previous day flooding through my mind. I gulped and stood up properly, finding some of my courage.

"I was out for a run. Why?" I tilted my head to the side, and an irritated look appeared on her face, which soon turned into outright anger. Goodbye cruel world.

"YOU WERE GONE FOR TWO. WHOLE. HOURS." She screamed, and I felt the end coming to me. This was it. I imagined my death to be a whole lot different to this, but then again, it could be worse

"I was?" I looked at the clock, hoping she was joking, or that it would magically display a different time so I would no longer be in so much trouble. "I WAS! I'm so sorry mum! I didn't mean to be gone for so long!"

"WELL, YOU WERE!" She shouted, and I flinched. She's never this mad, even when I do stupid things like this. So, what's different? Has she finally cracked?

"I'm sorry, mum. I swear I didn't mean to be out for so long." I apologised, bowing, and she sighed.

"What's your excuse this time?" She asked, and I smiled slightly, glad that she stopped shouting at me.

"I blame it on Shu. It was all his idea." I replied, rising and glaring at him. He glared back, sour that I was dragging him down with me again. I'm his best friend - it's my job to drag him into my problems.

"Stop giving Shu dirty looks." Mum scolded me, and I let out a small huff of annoyance. I saw Shu smirk at me. It's not fair. He's her favourite child, and he's not even her child. I mean, technically I'm not her biological child, but she chose to take me, so naturally, she should take my side more.

"All I did was suggest that you go on a run. What I meant was around the block, not on a two-hour jog." Shu said with a slight shrug, quickly getting himself out of the situation and leaving me in the dust. This isn't fair.

"You could have helped me, Shu." I scowled at him. I'm not going to be allowed to the festival at this stage. They could just give my position to Shu or Xander.

"Sorry, buddy." Shu smiled at me - a sickly sweet smile. Free kicked him underneath the table, and Shu scowled at his older brother who smirked at the young albino. Shu moved around the food on his plate. He still hasn't eaten. And he's a lot skinnier than usual. That's not good.

"Can I still go to the festival today?" I asked, looking back at Mum with a pleading face. I have to go. Not just because of the battles - they have Shu to take my place - but so I can meet someone. Two people, actually. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I need to take. Please, mum.

"I'll think about it." She replied, and my eye twitched in annoyance. I need to go today. I really need to go. I have miracles that need to be performed

"WHAT?! Somebody, please help me." I pleaded, looking at my three friends for help. They shook their heads, and my eyes widened. No... I can't miss today. She ruffled my hair, an understanding look in her eyes. She knew what this meant to me. I could still go. Oh, thank Aoijosei. I have the best mum ever.

Valtryek, make a note for me to do something for her later.

Write a reminder in your phone.

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now