Chapter 39

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Lui's POV:

I finished sweeping and then looked around. Finally. Hours of my precious time were wasted because I can't control myself. It's stupid. But what Murasaki said earlier. That morbid poem of hers. I finally remembered where I had heard it. Or rather, saw it.. It was a poem I had written for my mum not long after I had lost her. Poetry was one of the few I was able to express my anguish. So why's it coming back to me now? I picked Luinor up off of the table and stared at him. What do you think?


What does he have to do with this?

Nothing. He's just right behind you.


I turned around to see Aoi standing there, a terrified look on his face, practically trembling, and there was something that felt off about him. It might have been his reaction. I would have thought he'd be used to the chaos - the destruction. He's the wonder boy. He must have been used to seeing lives crash and burn. Or does he just not let anyone get to that stage? That wouldn't surprise me. "Is-is this a bad time f-for you?"

"Uh, no, I think now's alright. Why?" I narrowed my eyes at him, curious as to why he was here of all places and guessed that the only reason he got into my house was because Gabe didn't lock the door. I'm 97% sure he doesn't know how to pick a lock. But then again, it's Aoi, so who the hell knows at this stage?

He glanced around the room, the fear in his eyes only growing. Great. This is just what I need; to scare him. Please don't tell Kurenai about this. I'm already on thin ice with him. He would literally murder me. "What happened? Was this because of me?"

I looked at the aftermath of my destruction and then shook my head, thinking it would be better not to tell him. Kurenai would never forgive me if I did. "No, it's something else."

I refused to meet his gaze, out of shame. It hasn't been half bad being a decent person. And it made me realise something. Putting someone down is a low blow, and what goes around comes back around. My father's always been shitty to me, and I took it out on other people, knowing how crappy it made me feel when my father treated me like that. I am as much a scumbag as my father.

I looked at Aoi, who gave me a small smile. He's a lot like my mother. The complete opposite of me and my father. It's kinda refreshing, actually. Maybe that's why it's starting to catch up to me. My mum was trying to tell me something. She wanted me to move one. Start anew. I gripped Luinor tighter. I don't wanna move on, though. So what should I do?

I heard Aoi's footsteps and then suddenly his arms were around me. "I'm sorry about everything. I didn't know you hurt so much. I'm sorry. I would have tried to save you sooner if I knew how bad it was."

"What are you talking about, Aoi?"

"Murasaki told me everything, and now I think I understand. I think I finally have a grasp on the situation."

I smiled to myself as a tear fell down my cheek. I doubt she told him everything, but she told him everything she could, which I'm grateful for. But there's one detail in her story that's wrong. Something that is no longer true. I looked down at Aoi, a sense of warmth building up inside of me. I don't hurt anymore, and it feels great. I haven't felt like this in a long time. Since I lost my mum. Is this Aoi's influence? I'm surprised he could do it so quickly. But, it's Aoi. I guess it's just part of the job description for him. Who knows, he might have been doing this a lot longer than I realised.

He's lost what you've gained and vice versa. Be careful, master.

What the fuck are you talking about? And you better not get Shakespeare on me, otherwise I will be pissed.

Nevermind. It doesn't matter. Just... watch his smile. Make sure it doesn't falter. We still need our pinnacle of hope.

Even if it costs me my peace of mind. Yeah, I know. He outranks us all but miles.

"Thank you for actually seeing this through. For actually bothering to try and save me. It might be for your own selfish intentions, but I don't care. You make me feel human, and I couldn't thank you enough." I cried, and there was something in me that stirred. I was so tired, and I'm so glad I finally have someone to lean on.

"I know you didn't ask for the abuse you got; the hardships you had to go through. As the wonder boy, I will be here for you through the highs and lows. I won't abandon you again." It was like a promise to me, but there was something about what he said that bothered me.

"What do you mean again?" I asked, and he tensed up. I'm guessing that was a slip up on his part. He has never helped me before, though, which is what bothers me. No one has ever bothered to help me, so why say it?

"I was hoping you wouldn't pick up on that." Aoi smiled at me, and there was something almost unsettling about it. He was losing his touch. "It's nothing. A story for another day."

"No. It's a story for today. Tell me what you meant." I narrowed my eyes at him, naturally curious, and also a little pissed off that he would try to hide something that was clearly important.

"You'll remember soon enough." He was trying to be mysterious about it, and I despised him for it. I don't think I've ever hated him as much as I do now, which is saying something, because I used to consider him less than trash.

"When is soon enough?" I might despise him for what he's doing, but I still trust in his miracles and that stupid little head of his that is so hellbent on helping people. It's a gift he has - rallying the blind support of those around him, that is. We know he'll pull through for us in the end.

"In the next six months." He answered, and I just watched him for a second. This seemed to ignite some kind of emotion in him because his whole demeanour changed. "Look, I'm not expecting your blind support - I appreciate that I've thrown you around a bit, and you're probably starting to get tired of it. All I ask is that you give me time, and I will provide you with the results you're looking for."

"Aren't they basically the same thing at this stage?" I queried, and he let out a small chuckle, his eyes lighting up before suddenly going dull. Have we already lost him before it's even begun? How have we lost such hope already?

"I suppose they are. Just know the wonder boy's in your corner - forever and always." His smile didn't hold the same flare as it usually did, and it hurt because I know we did this to him. We broke the wonder boy when all he did was fight for us.

"And what if I don't want him?" I was playing with fire. I knew that better than anyone. But sometimes you gotta fight the flames and risk getting burned in order to get the results necessary. Or to know your limits.

"Then you'd be an idiot playing a fool's game." I don't think I had ever really appreciated him before now - I never really saw the point in appreciating a boy who seemed to save everyone bar me. But now I think I understand - or at the very least, have an inkling of an idea. Now I see why everyone was so hellbent on fanning the flame of this hope. He's all we have, and once he crashes and burns we're done for. But I think I realised that too late. His demise looks to be inevitable. You can see it in his eyes. They've been looking rather dull for a while now. And it hurt, for some reason. It shouldn't hurt like this. I'm supposed to be a monster.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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