Chapter 9

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Lui's POV:

I walked down the street, my head in the clouds. I can't believe that out of all the people in this world, I chose to open up to that dork. I am so pathetic. No wonder my father doesn't want to see me. I wouldn't want to see myself either. And to top that off, I'm becoming a trashy blader. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I falling to such low standards? I fucking hate it. What's gonna be next? I'm gonna become friends with Aoi and his stupid club? I'm a fucking joke. I sighed when I saw Murasaki out of the corner of my eye hurtling towards me. She then tripped and was going headfirst towards the concrete. I should probably catch her instead of letting her facepalm the floor. I caught her and rolled my eyes when she grinned at me, a sparkle in her eyes.

"You are so awesome! Only you could catch me while daydreaming!" She exclaimed, her smile not faltering. I don't know what I expected, I'm surrounded by a bunch of morons who only know how to smile, and it irritates me for whatever reason. Maybe it was the wonder boy. He may have had more of an influence on me than I hoped to admit. Nah. That was stupid of me to even consider that. He's just a stupid boy with no real power.

"You are such an idiot. Only you could trip on absolutely nothing." Her smile widened, and I questioned how she could be so immature for a 16-year-old in her position. I question how people can smile so much. Isn't it exhausting being happy so often? You're even using more muscles. I honestly don't think it's worth it. Smiling is so overrated. I stared at the blonde I was still holding onto, contemplating whether to drop her or not. She's a bloody moron. You wouldn't think that she was three years older by the way she acts, but the idiot means well, I guess. Most of the time. I let out a small grunt of annoyance "You are such a dork sometimes."

I lifted her up so she was standing again, deciding against dropping her because I might need her later depending on how things go and then started to walk off. She followed me, a skip in her step, and I had to hide my irritation. I was not in the mood for her bullshit right now. Maybe another day. I didn't have the heart to tell her that, though. Why can people never give me a break when I don't want to be anywhere near them? "Lui..."

"What did you do this time?" I looked at her, surprised that we hadn't been surrounded by rainbow flags, phones and angry mobs. Let's just say she's a very controversial person for the sake of being a controversial person, not because she necessarily believes what she says. She just likes stirring the pot and then watching the aftermath from afar. It is genuinely terrifying sometimes because this generation has absolutely no chill, and so you can't say anything at the best of times without offending half the population. She offends them for fun and then watches them become feral.

"I saw you take Valt to your special place. Is there something happening between the two of you?" She tilted her head to the side in curiosity, and I had to stop myself from freezing up. I thought no one was watching us. Goddammit. She's probably the worst person to have seen that. Hell, I would rather Kurenai had seen what had gone down rather than her.

I snorted, trying to play off as something that wasn't very big otherwise she would take it out of context and ruin me just for the hell of it. I can't be bothered to deal with that right now, and I am not prepared to put up with her bs for the next week, I don't care that she's my sister, she can just fuck off with her controversy. Not today Satan. "No. I just had to repay him for something."

"For what?" She asked, cocking her head with curiosity, and I just stared at her for a second or two. Despite what she puts people through, she does give surprisingly good advice. Is the pain worth that small piece of clarity?


Probably not.

Don't tell her, she isn't worth it. This'll just turn to absolute chaos just because you can't think things through.

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now