Chapter 5

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Valt's POV:

“Hey! Put him down!” I shouted, and they both looked in my direction, sending shivers down my spine. This may not have been one of my greater ideas. I should have planned something first, but no. I have no idea what to do past this stage. It’s not like I can fight him or anything. At least I had a chance every other time. I mean, I have a chance, I could kick his butt if I wanted to, but it would look suspicious if I suddenly knew how to fight. At least everyone else who tried to fight me was an even match, so it would make some sort of sense if I won. I’ll just have to wing it, I guess.

Valtryek sighed, letting go of me and fading out of existence, deciding that using her powers was useless when her presence made no difference to what I did. I honestly don’t know what she expected me to do - it’s not like I was just going to stand there and watch him forever. The wonder boy had to take a stand, and now was the time to do so. Even if it means screwing everyone over in the process. But they weren’t to know what was bound to happen later down the line, so it’s all good. They just have more time to recover now, so, in a way, I’m doing them a favour.

“Aoi, what the hell are you doing here?” Lui shouted back, his fear turning into anger at the sight of me. Dang, he’s mad. I’m kinda glad that his father’s holding him, otherwise, he would have ripped me to shreds. At least I took his mind off of things - that’s something positive, right? It’s definitely something. I almost feel bad for chasing after him. I know he wanted to keep this a secret - nobody had ever known what his home life was like, and he made damn sure that no one would ever witness this.

Or rather, no one cared enough to do anything about it. You have to remember, Valt, that you’re not like the rest of them - society, I mean. They all follow the crowd and turn a blind eye to this boy’s suffering. But you, a boy who has walked through the darkness of the earth himself, refuse to turn your back on someone who hurts just like you once had.

And society will pay for being a bunch of sheep. If men do not learn their lesson, then they will learn it in fire and blood and anguish, as they have done many times before. One of these days, they will learn the consequences of their actions. As the wonder boy, I will make sure of that, even if it costs me my life.

You have strong convictions. Something that is truly terrifying taking into account your abilities and the power that you wield.

The darkness does a lot for a person, even if we hate it and long to run away. It can make or break a person - and for me, it has saved me more times than I can count. Having walked through darkness a lot of my life, I know how to make a difference, even if it’s the smallest one possible.

“What does it look like?” I replied, my gaze shifting between him and his father. Who should I be more afraid of right now? I don’t know, and I don’t like it, but either way, I’m prepared to run if I need to. I’m not fighting if I can avoid doing so. I may be the wonder boy, but not even I can pull a miracle like this that would be believable. Well, actually, Lui’s injured, so I might have a chance. I feel kind of bad for thinking like that, but if push comes to shove, this might get violent, and I still don’t like my chances with either.

Lui shot me a glare, his anger slowly rising and bubbling over as he tried to keep his cool in front of his father. He failed miserably, but I appreciate the effort, I guess. I don’t think he was trying for me though. I’m surprised he could even focus his anger on me, considering the condition he was in.

“Now’s not the time to be a bloody hero, you idiot.”

“Well, too bad,” I told him, nervously turning my attention back to his father, who seemed more intrigued than mad at me, which was a relief. I might not die at the hands of a Shirosagi today. Hooray! That’s an achievement, right? Surviving the anger of two Shirosagi. I’mma take it as a win for now. The wonder boy performed another miracle! I am so blessed to have this ability, otherwise, I would not have made it in the world.
The man let go of Lui, who briefly had a sense of relief flood over him, but he soon turned his attention back to me, and anger seemed to take over him.

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now