Chapter 33

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Wakiya's POV:

When everyone finally stopped fussing about Valt, which, in my opinion, took a lot longer than necessary, Hanami finally decided to start the battles. "Alright, boys and girls. Now that we have our wonder boy back, and the introductions have been done, we're almost ready to start the battles. But first, we're gonna have a quick pep talk from none other than the Nameless Murasaki herself."

My eyes widened in shock. What? You have got to be kidding me. Why was I not pre warned about this? Is this someone's idea of a joke? I didn't know my sister was going to be a part of this. I don't need this right now. Questions are going to be asked, and I am not prepared to answer them. Her smiling face suddenly popped up on the screen alongside Hanami's as she adjusted her camera, and I let out an exasperated sigh. Why today?

"Hey, peeps! As you know, I'm doing the opening speech for the tournament, and to make it as awesome as possible I want to see the talent that's going into the tournament. So, I want you to have fun and try your best, alright? I know you're all talented enough to make it, and remember that the battle isn't over until the last prism has burst." The crowd erupted into cheers, and I rolled my eyes. That was so cheesy, I can't believe we're related.

That was almost unbearable. If only we weren't twins, then I would pretend we weren't related and that our last names were only a coincidence. But the universe decided it hates me, and now I have to put up with this kind of crap. But I guess it was a nice surprise to see her again. Maybe one day it'll be in person. I've only been waiting for nine years so far.

"You alright there?" Rantaro asked, concern written all over his face. I can't imagine why. It's not like he's ever cared before.

"Of course, I am. Why wouldn't I be?" I snapped, and he rolled his eyes. What other reaction did he expect?

"Geez, can't a guy be nice? You look kinda dazed. Like you've never seen your sister before or something." Rantaro replied, watching my reaction. Was he testing me or something?

I cocked an eyebrow. Is he joking? Please tell me he's joking. Does he not pay attention to anything? You know what? I'll just silently judge him for being such an idiot. "I haven't seen her in nine years."

"I'm sorry, dude. That's rough. It must be hard for you." He said, a genuine look of concern and sympathy on his face, which made me smile slightly.

"I manage," I told him, bluntly, my eyes still glued to my sister's screen as Hanami and her commentated the battles together.

"Hey, I'm still here for you, y'know? We may not be the greatest friends or anything, but I got your back whenever you need it." He said, and it almost seems superficial. I don't know. Maybe it's just because kindness is a rarity nowadays and I'm just not used to it.

"Why not just leave the sappy stuff to Valt? That's his forte, after all." I commented, amused that he would bother whatsoever. He seemed like the kind of guy who would only care about himself, even if someone was dying beside him. Or at the very least, that's the vibe I always got from him. Maybe I just read him wrong.

"We can't rely on our little wonder boy for everything. Even he has his limits." Rantaro said, and I think that's the first half-smart thing I've ever heard him say. Valt is no God, and we can't rely on him to solve everything in this god forsaken land. I looked back at my sister and sighed. We are the twins who hate the number seven, and we used to be able to cause havoc wherever we went. But despite that, people still cared, and found joy in our madness. Our bad behaviour as kids was what got the whole of Japan to once love us. And then we were forced to grow up.

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now