Chapter 25

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Shu's POV:

I watched as my best friend wolfed down his food like there was no tomorrow, and then I smiled to myself. He just doesn't change, does he? It's kind of refreshing, actually. Knowing that even if everything else crumbles, I will always have the wonder boy by my side. How can I complain about my life when some people don't even have that? A smile that not only me, but the whole world, takes for granted all because we haven't seen him without one. But his smile is so overrated. No one can smile that much and not get tired. It must be exhausting being that happy.

I sighed. I wonder how he'll hold up in the selection part of the tournament. Wouldn't it make more sense for Free to be who they're up against if we can't face off against him now, how are we supposed to do it at the tournament's end? Unless it's because... Valt is capable of changing the tide of a battle unlike anyone else. Free is practically guaranteed a win, whoever he's up against unless it's Lui or Valt, depending on Valt's mindset at the time. Is that why they chose him? I remember Lui mentioning something about being asked to do preliminaries. Did he reject their offer and so they just gave it to Valt? Still doesn't make sense. I'm probably just overthinking this.

Well, he's the boy who became great at wielding overnight. He's the dark horse of every tournament he enters, far surpassing everyone's expectations. Nobody knows what to expect - he keeps everyone on edge. His skills take everyone by surprise. Valt Valt, the wonder boy, makes miracles happen. Never have him on the ropes because that's where his best comebacks happen. Don't underestimate him - he can destroy the competition. But don't overestimate him, because sometimes it's just not his battle.

Expect too much of him, and you'll be faced with bitter disappointment, but expect too little of him, and you'll be absolutely annihilated. But you would never expect someone like him to possess so much power. In his first-ever tournament, he managed to get all the way to the finals with very little experience. In his second one, he almost won the whole thing. But the question is... how? Does he have some sort of power locked up inside of him or what?

I'm smart, but even this is a mystery to me. I originally thought he was a natural wielder, but nobody can be naturally this good. Not even Valt. And nobody can get that good that quickly with such little training unless that smile hid a lot more than anyone would care to admit. We all find safety in Valt's smile. Even our worst foes find reassurance in it. But how can you take a smile for granted?

Well, it's simple. We have all found comfort in the darkness, and his smile is the light that stops the darkness from attacking. It's something that reassures us that things will get better and makes us all feel human. It's our sliver of hope each day. And people become dependent on it. When he shows any other emotion, it doesn't necessarily take people by surprise, but something feels off about him. What? I am not so sure.

But there's something wrong that's lurking behind it all; something off about the entire situation, which I don't like. The world has not only become dependent on his smile, but he has become dependent on the world needing his smile. It's a two-way cycle. So, I guess it works out for everyone. But, it's scary what a smile can hide. What he's kept hidden for too long.

Are you sure he's as complex as you're making him out to be? He's only ever been a boy who can smile through anything. So what's happened to make you change your opinion of him?

There's just something amiss here. I'm not quite sure what. The nagging feeling started when he randomly disappeared for no reason, and it gradually got stronger.

It hasn't been that long. Are you sure you're not just overworking yourself and it's playing tricks on your head?


"Shu, I'm tired!" Valt whined, bringing me out of my thoughts. He was struggling to keep his eyes open and kept yawning. More fool him for getting up so early.

I rolled my eyes, having no sympathy for him. He made a dumb mistake, and now he has to pay for it. "That's because you decided to get up a ridiculously early time, and then went on a two-hour run. You should be tired."

"The run was your idea!" He protested, scowling at me like it was all my fault. I don't understand some people. Why can't he just accept his mistakes for once in his life? It's starting to get frustrating.

"You didn't have to take it." I countered, deciding to call him out on it. I'm not in the mood for this today. I just wanna go back to bed. I am not prepared for today in the slightest, and I just know I'm going to get screwed over at some stage. It always happens at big events. Something's gonna go wrong at least once, more than likely twice, and I am not looking forward to it.

"Enough with the arguing, guys," Gabe said, and we both stopped. He has the same air as Lui. It's scary. We don't need any more Lui in the world. It's hard enough to exist with the ones we have.

Valt rested his head on my shoulder and yawned loudly, hugging my arm with a small smile on his face, completely unfazed by Gabe. He is either a God or a psychopath if he can still be calm when Gabe is like this. I hope he knows that I'm not saving him, and I'll only pray for his ass once I get myself to safety. "Maybe I should try and get some more sleep. Whaddya think, Shu?"

Before I could even respond, Valt started quietly snoring. I can't believe he actually fell asleep. Well, actually, I can, it's Valt, but still. The twins sighed at the sight of their older brother, and honestly, I don't think they were very surprised by his actions. It's only the likes of Valt and Free who would do this. "He's asleep."

"Is he actually?" Gabe peered around me, and I nodded with a slight sigh. Even when asleep, he keeps a smile on his face. That's kinda impressive, but also terrifying. Who smiles even while they're asleep? Sure, maybe briefly, but it doesn't look like that smile's going anywhere anytime soon.

"Yep. I'll take him to bed." I said, and ma gave me a concerned look, glancing at my injured shoulder. She worries too much. If I'm honest, Lui's done worse to me, and he's one of the kinder ones God has graced me with.

"Are you sure, sweetie? What about your shoulder?" Everyone looked at it, and I gave her a reassuring smile. I'm perfect, anyway, and I've let that mask slip way too much recently. It's time to rebuild the facade. The crimson flames fire is about to be rekindled and next time he's going out with a bang

"It's fine. My shoulder's all healed now. I can take him." I lied, lifting him up. I winced slightly, but no one seemed to notice. Why I do this to myself, I have no clue, but I'll do it a thousand more times if I have to. "I'll be back in a minute, alright?"

"Yep." Everyone agreed, and I carried him upstairs to his room. When we reached there, I rested him on his bed. Valt Aoi. I've known you pretty much my whole life, and yet there's still so much I don't know about you. I once thought you were an open book for the whole world to read, as did everyone else, but something's changed, and everything's so much more complex. You're not all sunshine and rainbows, you never have been. But you made out like you were. It was all an act. But... why? I sighed. I guess it doesn't matter right now.

"Meet you in the finals, alright buddy?" I mumbled, getting Spryzen out and staring at him. He glinted at me, and I smiled, grateful to have such an amazing partner by my side.

"Alright Valtryek, flash launch!" Valt shouted and then continued shouting 'zoom', his smile only widening as he continued to dream about battling with his partner. I chuckled to myself. Alright then, Valt. It's a promise. And this one I won't break, I swear on it.

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