Chapter 20

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Valtryek's POV:

So much pain and wisdom in such a young soul is so sad. It just shouldn't be something that exists - no one, let alone a child, should have to suffer like this. And yet, despite everything, he still has so much hope for the future. That is such a rare thing. Most kids in his situation I imagine would have given up already - what would be the point in continuing if all you were doing was suffering? I smiled to myself. He has something to fight for - something that gives him the will to fight, even at his lowest. I'm not so sure what that something is, it's hard to tell with Valt, but it's still there for him to hold onto when he feels like he's drowning. I looked through the few memories of the Young Valt I had access to from when he was younger and then tapped on one of the ones that he had just before he went into care. It was of him and his brother singing in their room.

"You are beautiful, invincible. Don't let anyone ever tell you different, no. Don't let anyone stop your shine in the night. Oh, cos you are a diamond that we need in this life. No matter your race, no matter your colour. No matter your past, no matter your culture. I want you to know this. I want you to know this. You do have a purpose, if you haven't heard this, I just wanna tell you that: yes, you do deserve it. You deserve better days filled with no hurting. You have a purpose."

This book isn't about sunshine and rainbows - it never has been, and it probably never will be, whether we want to change that or not. This is about how a past that has been so deeply ingrained into you can destroy you from the inside, out, no matter how much you try to stop it, it's still there, and it tortures you. But it's also about talking because you're either gonna screw things up by saying something or screw yourself up by not saying anything. Nobody - and I mean nobody - can shelter the weight of the world on their shoulders. It's just impossible, no matter how strong you are, you can't do it. But together, these kids can become something great - they are something great. The only question is: who's going to try and stop them?

"Valtryek." I turned to my name to see Fafnir standing there, his eyes trained on the memory as it replayed over and over again. This is a rare sight. Free's bey never usually comes out to visit anyone. I'm honoured. "You know this boy's fate, don't you?"

"Of course I do. Why do you wish to know?" I ask, my curiosity now peaking. Valt was an odd duckling, but not enough of one to raise questions.

"So why do you stand by him when his fate is the way it is? It will be gruesome, full of pain and suffering. So why? What do you see in this boy?" His eyes were filled with pain, and I could understand what his worries were. He's the wonder boy, though. It's his job to go out with a bang.

"I see hope. I see a boy so hellbent on protecting this generation that he would drag everyone down to hell to achieve it. I see a child who has suffered enough to drive him to the brink of insanity and is still fighting for the very people who broke him. I see Valt in all his glory, someone worth standing by until the very end." I told him, giving him a small smile. He has done a lot. It's a shame it ends the way it does. His fate was never a pretty one, though. It always gets worse. Those miracles of his are killing him.

"Then you are braver than the rest of us. Both of you." He gave a nod of approval before leaving. Short and to the point. Just like her blader.

I looked back at the memory that was still playing and couldn't help but wonder what made that little brain of his work. What kept those miracles of his intact? Why did he keep marching forward when all else seemed lost? He was a lost cause, a nobody, an outcast. A child. I will probably never understand him. He's special. He always had been.

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now