Chapter 36

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Luinor's POV:

You know, I always thought he was gonna die at the hands of his father relatively young, more so after his mother died. A morbid thought, I'm aware, but the amount of shit that man put him through is unbelievable, physically rather than emotionally, and the fact that he didn't come out so much worse is unbelievable. So when people tell him he needs to change to fit these societal standards my heart breaks because it's not easy to mould away from those god-awful standards that have been forced down his throat ever since he could understand what they meant.

I made a promise with his mother before she died. I promised that I would keep him alive as long as I physically could. And while her end of the deal may not have been made with the purest intentions - knowing her, she just wanted him to suffer as long as possible. She was a vile human being - my side of the deal was made with the intention of protecting him from whatever I could. Problem with that is, I am not allowed to interfere with a human's life, being the God that I am. It's one of our laws. I mean, interfere is a very loose term - me talking to him could be classed as interfering. But protecting him from things like 'punishment', harm and even death have always been a big no-no for whatever reason. It never made much sense to me. But who am I to argue?

"Those who do not move do not notice their chains." I glanced to the side to see Gainion, Gabe's bit beast, looming next to me. He was a giant - a rarer and I wanna say lesser species amongst the bit beast community. Lesser feels like I'm being discriminatory or something, but for once, I'm not. The majority of them were killed when we were enslaved in our fight against the humans. That was a surprisingly bloody battle, considering they were just mortal beings. It was horrific. That's why I'm never surprised by any of these horrible acts they commit. I've seen first hand the atrocities they are capable of. "Luinor."

"What?" I decided to zone back into this awful reality and soon noticed that Lui was basically in tears and Gabe was just sitting there... scared. He finally let down his walls and let someone in. It's about goddamn time. Although, the reaction was a little lackluster. He could have at least reassured the poor kid. But, I guess that it would be scary seeing the strongest man you ever knew break down in tears in front of you.

I guess it was my time to shine. No one else is gonna keep him sane when all around him is crumbling. I sat behind the poor boy and put my wing around him, offering him what little protection I could from this cruel, cruel world. I felt him curl into me and I smiled slightly as I rested my head on his. He was safe now.

"I never thought you were a stickler for the rules, Luinor." Gainion said, and I glanced at him. For a moment, I thought I saw hurt and betrayal written all over him. I can't imagine why. I haven't done anything to him as of yet. That will more than likely change in the future, I am a walking disappointment after all.

"I never usually am, but this is my life we're talking about. If I interfere with his, then I lose my own." I sighed, knowing how unfair the rule was. But I can't change that.

"Isn't he worth dying for?" He asked, like it would be a noble death. I'm surprised he would even suggest such a thing. Even I have a line I won't cross. I can't just throw my life away for some stupid reason, this kid still needs me. If I die, then what?

"No, he's not." There was surprise written on his face, and I made sure to hug Lui tight because we were all we had left. Everyone else will die eventually, leaving only him and me, and then it'll start all over again for the rest of eternity. That's why I can't die. Because who else is gonna be there for him when his life crumbles again and again and again? I couldn't do that to him. Is that cruel of me? "He's worth living for, and that is enough. If I die, then I won't be able to protect him from everything else. I won't be his safety blanket, and he will be left to the dangers of himself as well as the world. He is still a child, and I wouldn't dare put him through that. What monster would?"

"Do you not feel anything, though?" There was genuine curiosity in his voice - like a child asking their parents such an innocent yet horrible question. He meant no harm by it - he was very much like his blader in that sense. Straight-laced and straight to the point, which I appreciate, for the most part. But sometimes it just isn't the best to be so direct.

"Of course I do. I'm not a monster, for Christ sake. I hear him screaming and crying and wailing for help every damn second of every damn day, knowing I can't do anything to save him. I could have stopped this all - helped him become a child that somebody would actually want. But instead we're stuck with this, and I hate it. I hate every damn second. But, if I can't be strong enough to help him through the fire then what right do I have to call him my partner?" And I think this was the first time I ever managed to get this off my chest, and I realised how fucked up this situation truly was. What the hell has this world come to that this is the standard of life for some people?

"Then you are already stronger than most." My eyes darted over to him as he sat next to his blader and made his presence known to the two in the room. "I don't think I could do what you're doing. The wonder boy's bit beast told me not so long ago that 'often the test of courage is not to die but to live', and when she had said it it hadn't made much sense to me at the time as I thought there could be no courage in living. You have proved me wrong. I commend you."

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now