Chapter 16

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Valt's POV:

"I'm sorry about everything, I'm just really tired," Shu apologised, his eyes falling to the floor again, and Free cocked an eyebrow like he didn't believe the young albino, which somehow Shu seemed to notice. How? I have no clue. "What?"

"Okay, now that you've got all your lying out of the way, do you mind telling me the truth behind why you seemed to be acting like an actual asscheek right now?" Free asked, and Brunai and I both stared at him, questioning the name he just called Shu. Shu seemed unfazed by what was just said and gave a half-hearted shrug, which only gained a roll of eyes from the blonde. "You're hopeless, you know that, right?"

Shu nodded "Trust me, I know. I just don't want anyone to get hurt."

"Some people would rather get hurt with the truth than be spared with a lie," Free said, and Gabe and I shared a look. Since when did he hold so much wisdom in a subject other than wielding? I am both baffled and intrigued by their relationship, and that scares me right now.

"Let's change the subject," Gabe said, sensing the bitterness that was beginning to surface between the two brothers. It was small and subtle, hardly noticeable, but still there. We all nodded in agreement, prepared to move on from our unstable minds. "So, about the tournament. Who do you think is competing?"

"I don't know. Lemme check." I picked up the twin's tablet and then stared at the search engine. Has he already told us what it's called? Or haven't we got onto the subject of that yet? I forget. "What was it called again?"

"It's called Beystar, and that's pretty much all I know about it." Free told us

I searched Beystar and then clicked on the WBBA website.

I then started to read out what it said there. "Beystar is a tournament for all wielders to try out for, but only 32 people will compete in it. The winner of the tournament gets the chance to battle against Free and try to take the number one spot off of him."

"But how do bladers get chosen to compete?" Shu tilted his head to the side in curiosity, and I watched as his crimson-red eyes analysed the tablet I was holding with a troubled look in his eye. What was up with him?

"Um... hold up. Lemme see." I scrolled down the page, skim-reading the information before finally coming across what I was looking for. "Here we go! We have to prove ourselves... against ME?!"

"What?" They all stared at me, surprised. Why was I chosen for such an important role? Shouldn't someone like Shu or Xander be doing this? I don't understand. I've only just become an alright wielder, but before I could even prove my skill they decided to use me as a way to mark everyone's skill and decide who would be worth joining the tournament. How long ago was this posted? Four days ago. In my match with Quon. Why did no one tell me? I need more time to prepare, I'm not ready.

"Run that by me again, wouldya?" Shu cocked an eyebrow as if he didn't believe me or something. I don't believe it either if I'm honest. How... how am I only just finding out about this when the try-outs are like tomorrow?

I passed the tablet to Free as I tried to comprehend what was going on. I don't understand why mum wouldn't tell me because she would have gotten a call about it at some point. "We will be having the wonder boy himself, Valt Aoi, holding the tryouts. Both himself and the Supreme Four have a fixed place in the tournament, joined by 27 other participants."

"MUM! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT THE NEW TOURNAMENT?!" I screeched, half annoyed, half upset. Mum walked in with a sigh.

"I didn't tell you because I didn't want to worry you. You had enough on your plate with the current tournament." She told me, and I frowned.

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now