Chapter 26

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Valt's POV:

"I'M LATE!" I shouted, running downstairs as I tried to get ready as quickly as I could. I can't believe no one woke me up. If you're gonna put me to bed, at least make a mental note to get me out of bed later. "Mum, why didn't you wake me up?"

"If you hadn't woken up at silly o'clock in the morning, I wouldn't have to wake you up." She scolded me, and I let out a huff of annoyance. Like it was my fault my excitement got the better of me. Next time I'll just bounce around the walls of the house.

"But I'm late for the festival!" I protested. She knew how much this meant to me, the least she could do is help me get there on time, like geez. Everyone knows I'm the unreliable type on so many levels.

"Well, you better hurry. Everyone else left half an hour ago." Mum told me, glancing in my direction. There was guilt in her eyes, almost as if she had forgotten to wake me up. I guess it was only a mistake on her part there, but you would've thought my friends, y'know, the people I'm going with, would have woken me up so we could leave together. This is such an unrealistic scenario that it would only happen to me and it's a regular occurrence that I get so frustrated about.

"WHAT?! And no one thought to wake me up? Bye, mum. Love you!" I ran out of the house and towards the festival. I'm gonna make it, I've gotta make it! I ran as fast as I could, huffing and puffing as I did so. I'm gonna make it. The festival suddenly came into my sight, and I felt a sense of relief. Finally! Took it long enough to show up. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw someone wave, so I turned to have a look, only to see a kid waving at me.

I smiled, this being the best part of my job - seeing everyone's smiles and just being happy to see the wonder boy. I've been able to bring hope to so many people, and it's such an incredible feeling, I can't even explain it. Before I could wave back at them, I heard a voice shout, "Valt, jump high, NOW!"

I took the initiative and jumped as high as I could, not wanting to look at who or what I was jumping over. When I landed, I turned around and bowed and started apologising, not bothering to pay too much notice to who it was. "I'm sorry, I was-"

"VALT AOI, YOU NEARLY RAN INTO ME AGAIN!" Kris shouted, and I shuddered. She scares me when she's mad, almost as much as when Free shows emotion. Although, you'd think I'd be used to it because she's constantly mad at me for something. Like, I have always done something wrong in her eyes every time we meet, and she has the most annoying shouting voice ever. It's so high-pitched, I think my eardrums are gonna explode.

"I'm sorry, Kris. I didn't mean to... wait a minute..." I gave her a blank stare before it finally sunk in, it takes longer than it should have to process the information. "EVA? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"

"I'm here for the team." She told me, a tired look on her face. What have they been doing while I was gone? She looked drained of all her energy, and I thought I was the reason why she was so exhausted 24/7. I guess it was a team effort this entire time.

"The team?!" I suddenly noticed the rest of BC Sol standing around us, and I have never felt so dumb, suddenly remembering what Murasaki had told us the previous day. "Oh yeah, the team..."

"Dude, get a hold of yourself. This is embarrassing to watch, even for me." Rantaro said, and beside him, Kitt laughed. I let out a small huff of annoyance, wishing I hadn't arrived so late so I wouldn't have to deal with this. But knowing my luck this would have happened no matter what time I got here, and it would just be a pain.

"Hey!" I protested, so tired of people talking down on me like this. Even if I didn't know, why the hell was his comment necessary? I need to chill, it wasn't that big of a deal. It's just Rantaro being Rantaro, whether I like it or not.

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now