Chapter 37

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Orochi's POV:

I walked into our training room, prepared to train my butt off for the upcoming tournament, despite not knowing whether I actually made it into the tournament. It was a good way to get people to train more - having the results so close to the tournament, I mean. You have to keep on top of things just in case you get in and are left behind from the get go. I was met with a smiling face when I entered the locker room. "Hello there, Orochi."

"Hey Zac, how have you been?" I replied, taking my headphones off. He was surprisingly nice company for someone who was usually so self-absorbed.

"Pretty good if I do say so myself." He looked at the stadium just as Zeutron started to slow down, and then stopped. He still has some work to do. But something else feels off him, although I can't place my finger on what exactly. I stared at him for a bit, trying to figure it out, but I just couldn't, and it irritated me. Our miracle boy may be up to something. Supernatural forces are at play here, by the sounds of things. And my ears never lie. "Is there a bug on me? Get it off! Get it off!"

He started freaking out and I chuckled, forgetting that people couldn't hear what I could. It just looks like I'm spacing out, from what I can understand. "Don't worry, there's nothing on you. I was just thinking about something."

"About what?" He gave me a curious look, and I know he was scared that I had figured him out already - I figured him out ages ago - so I shook my head, giving him a small sense of closure for whatever it was worth it.

"It doesn't matter. Are you up for a battle?" I asked, walking over to the stadium.

"I'm always up for a battle. Plus, I could do with the practice." Zac said, his eyes on the stadium, and I couldn't help but feel like I missed something. What happened at his festival?

"Of course - you've got a fixed place in the tournament, don't you? Are you nervous?" I watched as his smile brightened, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of uneasiness.

"Me? nervous? About what? I have a good chance of winning." Zac told me, and I appreciated that his confidence was still sky-high. He had always had a good grasp of his abilities and where he stood compared to others. He didn't let the fame get to his head too much - he knew his place. And I had always appreciated that.

"But it's not just Valt and the rest of the Supreme Four you have to worry about. If they make the cut, you have members of BC Sol you have to look out for." I reminded him, feeling the fear in his place.

"You say that like it's a bad thing, Orochi. I love myself a little bit of competition. But I will win. Zeutron and I are unstoppable." And there it was - that hunger to win. That overwhelming aura. The very thing that sets the Supreme Four apart from the rest of Japan. It sent chills down my spine just looking at him. Zac laughed as if trying to lighten the mood. "But enough about me. That battle with Twinkletoes looked difficult."

"It was. He's grown a lot. Valt's impressive, but he makes a lot of mistakes." I told him, thinking back to our battle. What a wild ride. He sure has earned himself the name of wonder boy. How many more miracles does he plan on performing?

"Rightly so. He has a lot to learn about his bey. But when he and Valtryek are in sync, they are practically unstoppable." He said, acknowledging Valt's power, which scares me. Valt can quite easily rival all of the Supreme Four - including Lui - and he is so inexperienced, it's unbelievable. At the end of his journey, I don't think there will be a single person who can stop him, not even Free, which is a terrifying thought, in my opinion. I nodded in agreement, wondering where Valt's power would take him.

"So who do you think is going to be in the tournament?" I asked as we both got into our launching positions, our eyes locking with one another's.

"It's hard to say. Everyone put on such a spectacular performance." Zac replied, and that's when we started the countdown.

"Let it rip!" We both said, launching our beys into the stadium. Zeutron was on the defence while Odax let out a flurry of attacks. I listened to Zeutron, but he was hard to hear. I'm not trying to toot my own horn or something, but Odax was drowning out the sound of Zeutron, and that's not right. Our symphony is usually perfect, so what's up?

I looked up at Zac, wondering if he would give any hint as to what was going on, but I got nothing. This is strange. I heard our symphony change and then sighed. That's it, the battle's going to be over in 3... 2... 1... Zeutron burst and Zac's eyes widened in shock. He puts on a convincing act, but I'm pretty sure he knows why he lost.

"How did that happen?" He asked, still in shock. For an actor, he's bad at covering up what he knows. Or maybe I just know him too well. He's easy to read.

I picked up Odax and sighed "You're losing your concentration, Zac. That's not like you. And Zeutron didn't sound as strong as he usually does. What's up?"

He stared at the stadium for a bit before shaking his head "It's, uh, nothing. Do you want another battle?"

"Sure thing," I replied, and he picked up Zeutron from the stadium. Why was he acting so... off? It's so strange. This isn't like him at all. We both got into our launching positions and started the countdown again.

"Let it rip!" We both launched our beys into the battleground, but this time Zeutron went on the attack, not giving Odax a chance to fight back. He seemed off note, though, and that's not like them to be off note. It's strange seeing them like this. What is up with him?


"He's got a past that haunts him," Murasaki said as she leaned against the wall and watched me practise. It's been a while since she's dropped by. I missed her company.

"What kind of things haunt him?" I asked, glancing at her. Zac was a person who had always peaked my interest, and she seems to be the only person who has answers.

"I can't tell you that, but lemme give you some words for your troubles, 'kay?" She walked over to the stadium and watched Zeutron for a while.

"What is it?" I watched her tear her gaze away from the stadium and look at me, and there was a sense of pity in her eyes. She had seen monsters and come out an angel, and I imagine the same has happened to him.

"He is a liar and a cheater and one hell of scumbag, but that is all he knows. Be patient with him. He was exposed to a lot of things he shouldn't have been, and he relies on you. Ever since I met that boy, he has carried more anger and pain than a thousand armies could ever bear. He was betrayed, deceived and hurt. So believe me when I say he's already crossed hell. And the only time I saw peace in his eyes was when he saw you. You are the only reason he's still alive."

End of Flashback

Be careful what you wish for when your whole world is falling apart because you can only smile so much. Even a star can dim down and out of existence, no matter how much they try to shine. Zac is a perfect example of that. He has never fit in, which is why he's so out there, and now that Valt has beaten him in a tournament, people are starting to question his methods. It's finally getting to him. Zac's finally cracking under the pressure. His mask is no longer working - his demons are no longer staying hidden, and he's finding it hard to fight them all on his own. Zac is starting to crumble, and soon, his whole world might come crashing down.

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now