Chapter 35

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Gabe's POV:

I walked towards Lui's house, knowing that he had been kicked out of his father's house again. It's getting ridiculous now. This is happening more and more often, yet he won't accept any help, which is frustrating. Even he doesn't deserve this. I knocked on Lui's door with a sigh. Plus, he's been acting weird ever since the festival has ended, and I wanna know why. It's not like him to act this weird over something as simple as Valt disappearing. It's a regular occurrence, so I don't know why he would be bothered by it."Go away."

"Lui, let me in," I shouted, banging on the door, hoping he would arrive at the door quicker instead of just ignoring me. Today's not the day to be a jackass, buddy. Just let me in.

"No, leave me alone, Gabe." He shouted back, and I honestly don't know why I was surprised. It's not like he's gonna be suddenly easy to deal with.

"I'm letting myself," I told him, deciding to try and get this trip over and done with before things get violent and I lose a limb.

"Don't you dare!" He snapped, and that was my cue to enter. He was getting super defensive for no reason, and it concerned me.

I used my spare key to unlock the door and then sighed to myself, questioning whether this was a good idea, or if I should leave and come back tomorrow. "Too late, I'm in."

I walked inside, curious to know why he didn't want me in. He usually wouldn't mind me coming in, even if we don't talk or anything. As I walked through the hallway, I saw several items had been smashed into pieces. What the hell? What happened here? I walked into the living room and saw Lui sitting on the floor, staring at the wall with a vacant look on his face. Around him, the room was in pieces. "What do you want, Gabe?"

"What happened?" I asked, my eyes glancing around the room before landing back on Lui, who glared at me.

"Nothing that concerns you." Lui spat, but his eyes were filled with sadness, replacing the previously vacant look. Who was he trying to fool?

I went and sat next to him with a small sigh, wondering what could have caused this. It's not like today has been very eventful. "What's up?"

He stared at me as if trying to decide whether he should confide in me or not, but then shook his head. "It's nothing."

I watched him, wondering what could be bothering him to this degree, but the only thing that sprung to mind was Valt. That's the only big event that's happened recently to inconvenience him at all. But Valt has never had this big of an effect on him before, so it's got to be something else. Unless something happened between them. He is our little miracle boy for a reason. He's one for promoting change.

"Does this have something to do with Valt?" I gave him a curious look, wondering if this was a new plan of his

"What's it to you?" He shot me a glare, and I couldn't help but feel that I had hit the nail on the head. That reaction was far too defensive for someone who hardly interacted with the kid.

"I'm going to take that as a yes. So, what happened between you two that's so big that you had to smash up your whole house?" I watched as a wave of sadness seemed to come over him.

"Valt's not the idiot I thought he was - he was once in a similar situation to me. And now I feel like crap for treating him the way I did." He explained, and I was almost proud of him for acknowledging that he was wrong. I appreciate that's a hard thing to do - especially for someone as prideful as he was.

"Sometimes we forget that the most unbearable people suffer from the most unbearable pasts." He gave me a surprised look, and I nodded at him. Those two have their similarities, but at the same time, they're polar opposites. Lui Shirosagi may be a jerk, but there's a sad story behind it all. You just have to be patient enough for him to trust you. Valt Valt may be friendly, but there's also a sad story behind it all. You just have to get past his smile, and then everything will be revealed.

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now