Chapter 28

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Valt's POV:

"You are such an idiot." Rantaro said, shaking his head at me in an almost disappointed way. I know what I did wrong, and I honestly couldn't care less right now, just let me go. We have better ways to spend our time. Like going into the festival. That would be a nice start.

"Why? What'd I do?" I looked at him, confused. Just play the part for now, Valt. You don't have much of a bloody choice, it's your only way of survival.

"You were supposed to calm down." Keru pointed out, like it wasn't already obvious. What a surprise, I was over excited and did the complete opposite of what I said I would, I can't believe this happened. Who would have guessed? It's not like this hasn't happened a million times and should be expected by now.

"Oh, yeah..." I replied, letting out a nervous laugh, and they all sighed. I don't know why y'all expected any different. If it wasn't that, what did they think was going to happen? I was just going to calmly walk in like a normal person? Hell no. I would never do such a thing.

"It doesn't matter, let's just go." Shu said, deciding it wasn't worth it and we all cheered. He knew when to cut his losses.

"Then shut up and move." Lui snapped, and we all looked at him. Someone's in a good mood today.

"You came!" I exclaimed, going to hug him like he was actually gonna hug me back. He didn't, moving out of the way and glancing at me, no emotion on his face. It was kinda scary, actually. I think I preferred his anger. But there was no glare, there was no comment, no snarky remark or obnoxious laugh. Just a mere glance. Did he choose... me? I don't know how I feel about this. Actually, yes, I do. This is awesome! I smiled. "See you later?"

"Sure." He mumbled and started walking away, sparing me a second glance as he walked past, and I held my breath as I tried not to completely lose it. Today is the best day of my life, and it's only just started. This was worth all my stress.

"Maybe we can battle later as well?" I shouted after him, genuinely curious as to what his answer would be. He would usually just flip me off or something similar and then punch Shu when he walked past. He didn't punch Shu, so I wonder if he'll flip me off.

"Whatever, Valt." He said, raising his hand to signal goodbye, and my smile only widened. This is the first greeting that I've ever gotten from him, that isn't him just calling me dumbass, which, I must admit, was starting to get annoying.

This is epic! He's staying true to his end of the deal! I didn't think he'd be interested in it at all. And he chose me, out of all people! That's when I started to question his thought process. But... why? Why had he chosen me? Now I'm confused. Very, very confused. He could have chosen someone like Brunai, or the rest of his team, or even the Prime 4. So why had he chosen me?

I mean, I guess it makes sense, because I'm the one who he made the deal with, but still. He's done a lot more wrong to other people than me, and they deserve this nicer side of him. If they don't try to exorcise him first, that is. He isn't known for having a nice personality. I stared after him, wondering whether I'm actually going to see him again, or if he'll avoid me. Who knows? At least the first phase is starting without any hitches. This is going better than expected.

"What was that about?" Shu asked, looking at me with such suspicion in his eyes. You're smart, Shu, but even you need help solving the mystery of my smile, and what my true intentions are.

I shrugged, pretending to know nothing of our previous agreement. He doesn't need to know that I struck up a deal with his enemy. "I don't know. But he was actually nice to me, Shu!"

"You call that nice?" Keru scoffed, like he wasn't just as surprised as everyone else was. It's a miracle Lui even showed up.

"For him, yeah. That's the nicest he's been to any of us." Kurogami said, and there was a kind look in his eyes as he looked between the two of us. Yes, I have performed another miracle, and I don't know how I pulled it off, but that seems to be the case for everything I do.

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now