Chapter 14

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Valt's POV:

"Are you always this good of a sport? Or is it only when you win?" I looked around, confused, and suddenly glad that I did win if people were watching. People can't see the wonder boy fall, not like the last time. Not like the last one. But who the heck was that? I was suddenly met with a pair of dark grey eyes, and everything suddenly made sense.

"Free!" I exclaimed, running over to him with a grin and hugging him, resting my chin on his chest. "What are you doing here?"

"Kris shipped me over here after hearing about the new tournament in Japan because apparently, I'm the grand prize," Free said, his voice tired and fed up. I don't think he's got twenty hours of sleep today, which means he's going to be in a bad mood for the rest of the day, and that's never fun. "But I'm guessing you didn't hear about it."

I shook my head, hearing a couple of no's from behind me, and then broke the hug, swapping places with Shu who hugged him and then pouted. "Dumbass."

"What's wrong with you?" Free cocked an eyebrow.

"Nothing, jackass." He replied, venom in his voice, which earned an irritated sigh from Free. What's wrong with Shu? I've never seen him like this before. But then again, I rarely see them together, so I've never really seen what their relationship was like. It's weird.

"How the hell am I supposed to read you when you're acting like this?" Free tilted his head to the side, and Shu shrugged. I don't understand what's happening, and I don't like it. I looked at Gabe, who cocked his eyebrow to see if I had information or knowledge, and I shook my head, then looked at Daigo, who just shrugged.

"You don't need to read me. I just wanted a hug." Shu told him, and I couldn't see his face very well so it was hard to read him. Despite being in an obviously sour mood, he voice was calm, and there was no hint of agitation. Even when he's breaking, he's still this perfect image society has told him he needed to be. I would say I'm impressed, but it was Shu. He can adapt to anything. Adaptability is survivability, after all.

"*cough*liar*cough* Alright, if you say so," Free smirked, and Shu glared daggers at him. He was never a person to like it when his own tricks got used against him, and it annoyed him more than anything.

"Shut up." Shu broke the hug, hitting his older brother in the chest, and then went and stood next to Gabe, leaning on him with a huff, and I chuckled, then noticing that Murasaki had disappeared. What happened to her? I'm so confused. I thought she was keeping watch over me. Obviously not. Was I finally responsible enough to start doing stuff on my own or did she just get bored and go back to Lui? Either way, that's awesome. One less person to watch over me.

"So, what's this a new tournament, cos none of us knew about it?" I asked, bringing up the previous topic before Shu decided to be difficult.

Free shrugged, and I don't know why I expected him to have answers. He has never been one to ask questions. "I don't really know much about it. I just know that I'm going to face the winner. But I didn't really ask any questions."

"Yeah, because you're useless," Shu murmured, which earned a glare from Free, who did not seem pleased with the albino's behaviour, but he wasn't wrong. Free is useless when it comes to this kind of stuff.

"What is with you today? Why are you acting so off?" Free asked, with some hint of an emotion in his voice. That's not good. If you get him to show emotion, then you screwed up. Trust me, I know from my own dumb mistakes, and he is absolutely terrifying at the best of times. Well, R.I.P Shu. You will be missed. We all looked at Shu, who had his gaze fixated on the ground.

"It's nothing. I'm fine." He replied, and I felt sadness emanating off him. What happened between the time he left the battlegrounds to fix Spryzen and the meeting with the prisclub? I stared at him, confused, but received no clue of what was going on. He was trying to rebuild his perfect mask once again, and when that happens we won't get anything from him, and I want to know. He is a mixture of the hardest and easiest person to read, and it is both a blessing and a curse. I would talk about it more, but then it'll turn into a full rant and this story is long enough as it is. We don't need anymore added drama, as much as I want to. Why are people so stressful to deal with?

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now