Chapter 4

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Valt’s POV:

I ran out of the WBBA building, suddenly realising that I was late; AGAIN! I really need to stop doing this. I continued to run towards the park but stopped when I caught a glimpse of baby blue. I scanned the place, and then soon noticed Lui walking somewhere. I wonder where he’s going. What if he’s going to a secret training place? That would be awesome! If it’s anything like his training room then I bet it looks epic! I would love to see that. Maybe I should follow him. But he’s super scary when he’s mad, and if he knows that I was following him then he will be super mad. And his training is super intense, and I don’t know whether I could keep up with him. Plus, he could hurt me or break my bey and no one would be there to help me or know other than us, and then he’d probably threaten me so I keep my mouth shut.

He started walking out of sight, and I grinned. I’m going to follow him anyway; I don’t care what happens. If bad turns to worst, I can always call Shu and he’ll come running. Am I a bad person for relying on him purely to get out of bad situations? Well, it’s not my fault he’s the reliable kind. I began running after Lui, and when I caught up, I started trailing behind him, careful not to let him see me. He doesn’t need to know that I’m here, otherwise, he’d kill me. Literally, kill me. Well, it’s not my fault that my curiosity got the better of me. They do say curiosity killed the cat - whatever that means.

That was surprisingly correct, which is not like you to be literate like this.

I’m not that bad, Valtryek. You make me out to be a complete idiot when I am perfectly average. Wasn’t there a second half to that quote? How did it go again?

I believe it went something like “but satisfaction brought it back.”

That sounds about right. I may get in trouble, but the satisfaction of knowing what he’s up to will be worth it.

You’re crazy, and I don’t know how you’ve survived this long while striving for such ridiculous knowledge. What good will come out of this? You’re walking into a death trap.

Then you clearly don’t see what I do, Valtryek. Which is a shame, if I’m honest. I thought, out of everyone, you’d be the one to see the opportunity at hand. Clearly not.

Opportunity? Valt, what are you talking about?

Just wait and watch the events unfold.

We walked for about ten minutes before Lui stopped at a house. Is this where he lives? I don’t know why, but I have always imagined something completely different. What? I’m not so sure. Just not a normal house, I guess. I was a couple of houses down when he went to open the door, but a man beat him to it. Who is this dude? So, it seems that this trip may turn out to be more interesting than I had expected.

This may have been more than I bargained for. As long as it doesn’t make things more complicated, then I’m happy to watch the events unfold. I feel like ‘happy’ is the wrong word for this situation, but I can’t think of anything better to describe it, so we’ll just roll with it for now.

“You’re late.” The man said, and Lui kept his eyes trained on the ground, and all I could sense from him was fear and regret. It was a strange combination coming from him, and if I’m honest, I hope I never have to witness it again. I hated every moment of it. It just didn’t sit right with me.

[REWRITTEN] (The Monster x The Angel) [Lui x Valt]Where stories live. Discover now