Miss independent

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Thought I'd do one from Five's perspective bc I have the cutest idea everr.

The song also rly makes it 100x better and cuter.


I was sat at the dinner table with my siblings. I was eating my food peacefully when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye.

I look up to see y/n looking at me with her e/c eyes. She looked down quickly and her face flushed red.

I chuckle a little to myself.

Ever since we were 4 I always had this thing for her.

We finish our supper and excuse ourselves from the table.

I go up to my room and begin reading a book.

I hear a knock on my door and I jump.

I sigh and out my book down. I open my door.


Diego pushed past me and looks at me with wide eyes. "Y/n so has a thing for you dude."

"Okay.." I furrow my eyebrows.

"I think you should make a move." Diego suggests. "Woah, woah, woah. What?" I wave my arms around.

"Come on bro. Don't even deny it. You're crazy over her." Diego laughs.

"Did Klaus tell you? Because I only told him so that he could get off my ass." I  slightly stutter out.

"There it is." Diego claps. "Shit." I scold myself.

"So.. you gonna do something about it?" Diego teases.

"I don't know. I mean.. are you sure she 100% likes me?"

"Yeah dude. I saw the googly eyes at the table." He chuckles with an 'are you dumb?' frown.

I mentally slap myself. "Right. So how should I approach this?" I start to pace back and forth.

"Go straight for it. Just kiss her or something." Diego shrugs.

"She might not like that. Remember, she can be stubborn and judgy sometimes." I remind Diego.

"Yeah you might wanna not say that about her." Diego cringes. "Right. It's just I've never liked a girl before so it's all new in the brain." I defend myself.

"Just do it dude. She really likes you. And you really like her." Diego forms his lips in to a line and pats my shoulder as he leaves my room.

I frown and huff.

I decide to go to y/n's room to check on her.

"Y/n?" I say through her door. I hear her shriek.

I open the door. "Y/n! Are you okay?" I frantically say.

She's on the ground, I try to help her up but she pushes my hand away.

"I can handle myself bucko." She retorts.

"Okay, miss independent."

She stopped to give me a glare and then she pulls herself up.

"Sorry for startling you." I apologise. "It's fine." She sighs heavily.

"What do you want?" She questions. "Just came to see if you were okay." I confess.

"Well I am, thanks for your concern."

"Good. Uhm, did Diego say anything to you?" I curiously ask.

"No, why?" She quickly responds, clearly hiding something. "He just said some stuff." I rub the back of my neck awkwardly.

"He went on to you about it too? The whole googly eye thingy majig." She chuckles.

"Mhm." I quietly confirm.

There's a long silence between us. I look down at my feet.

Suddenly I feel something pull my chin up. I'm met with y/n's eyes.

I look into them. They look down at my lips. My eyes look at hers.

She leans in and i feel her soft lips against mine. I tense up but then i relax into the kiss.

She puts her arms around my neck. I take this as a sign to wrap mine around her waist.

She smiles into the kiss and the pulls away. I lean my forehead on hers.

She stares into my eyes with a big smile. "I've been wanting to do that for ages." She admits.

"Me too." I smile back.

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