Why does training have to be so early?

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Asterin POV

"Asterin Ashryver Whitehorn Galathynius if you do not open the door this instant, gods help me I will break it down!"

I groaned and opened my eyes. Why did training have to be so early? "Leave me alone Sam or I will gut you alive!" I yelled back. I could hear his laughter through the door "I will not leave you alone until you open this door and come and train with me!" Knowing my older brother would not leave me alone until I dragged myself out of bed, I sat up, muttering about the stupid time of day and all the ways I'd make Sam pay when I sparred against him later.

I flung on a pair of leggings and a long sleeved shirt before storming over to the door and flinging it open to find an amused looking Sam waiting for me, arms crossed. "Finally! That took forever!" I rolled my eyes as we made our way through the many corridors towards the training rooms. "I just wanted one day off, Sam, just one!" He grinned at me.

"Maybe that will teach you not to spend all night flying!" said my father as he walked past. "I can't stop the younger wyverns getting ill!" I called after him. Technically I hadn't spent all night nursing the sick wyverns, but the lack of cloud cover meant the stars were out in full force and flying at night like that is strangely addictive. I didn't notice the time until the sky started to light up with the first colours of dawn.

When we reach the training rooms, my mother is sparring against Fenrys, and Aedion is leant against the wall, watching them with eyes of turquoise and gold. My eyes. He catches sight of us and walks over. "You look like you didn't get any sleep" he remarked as he took in my appearance. "The wyverns needed attention" I said, sighing. It was going to be a long day. 

I stretched and sparred for a bit with Sam as usual, before adding in weapons. I personally favour twin swords and had a pair specially made for me. Sam is 6 years older than me, tall and built like my father with blond hair and ashryver eyes. I however took after my mother - in more ways than just looks. Everyone says I managed to inherit her brains and her attitude. I don't know whether that's good or bad. Lyria is our middle sister and she's 2 years younger than Sam. I don't see her much - she's usually buried in library somewhere under a mountain of books. Lyria is much quieter than me and Sam, she looks after me occasionally when I need it and seems more fond of me than our brother. 

Sam inherited our father's heart and spirit - he's always looking to protect me, the territorial bastard. He loves to fight and spends a lot of time training. Lyria however, much more enjoys the comfort of knowledge. She can fight - my parents took care of that - but she prefers to spend her time reading. I don't blame her, I love reading too. It's like opening a portal to another world that only you can see. I spent many summer afternoons ,after brutal mornings of training, outside reading- often in interesting and private places such as in the branches of a tree or at the top of a mountain.

Our magic is a different story. Lyria's abilities lie mostly in water and ice, Sam's in fire and mine... well... it's a mix of ice and fire. A powerful mix. Somehow the two powers also mean I have two shifting forms. Ironically the first is a hawk and the second is a wolf - both with coats of pure silver.

Aedion gave me a break whilst he and Sam sparred each other, Fenrys and my mother standing in either side if me to watch. "Did you spend all night with the wyverns?" My mother asked, nudging my shoulder. "Most of it, yeah" Fenrys opened his mouth to say something but before he could a bright light flashed in the centre of the room, temporarily blinding me. 

I staggered back, holding an arm over my eyes. The light receded and there in the centre of the room stood something that should have died a long time ago. A Valg prince. 

I had only heard stories of the Valg themselves but I had seen the scars from the war they raged. They were supposed to be dead. It's very presence repelled my mind, my magic and probably my very soul. It reeked of what can only be described as death.

My twin blades were in my hands without me thinking. My mother stepped forward, goldryn in one hand. A hawk soared into the room and a second later my father appeared beside my mother. Fenrys stepped in front of me, pushing me back. I side stepped him and made to move towards my mother but he gripped by wrist. "Don't" was all he said.

I decided to listen to him. For now. "The faerie queen of the west" the thing in the centre if the room hissed. "What do you want from me?" My mother asked calmly, my fathers hand pressed to her back, no doubt having some silent conversation down their mating bond. I glanced over to Sam who was staring at the Valg, Aedion beside him with his sword drawn in a fighting stance.

"Not you" the Valg hissed "her" it raised a finger, pointing to me. Oh. A thousand thoughts raced through my mind but I shoved them down. I refused to show fear. I stared the Valg down. "What do you want?" My father growled at it. It turned to stare at him, black eyes gleaming. "Her" it hissed again.

Pain flashed through my head, blinding me. Talons seemed to dig into my mind, squeezing and clawing to get inside. I struggled against them, dropping to my knees, screaming. The creature dug its claws into my mind and I fought against them, as hard as I could. I was vaguely aware that someone was shouting my name. I struggled and thrashed against the thing, giving it everything I had. 

Something seemed to wake up.

I felt a surge of power, my power. 

The claws released me.

 I was falling. Why was I falling? 

Darkness embraced me.

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