it's good to have you back, witchling

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Aelin POV

Asterin, Ash and Nyx left early, with my daughter looking slightly flushed and smirking. The two boys were grinning. I chuckled at the sight. Together they really were something. From what the inner circle had told me, she hadn't made it easy for them and from the memories Rhys showed me, her attitude hadn't changed a bit. 

Aedion and Dorian chose to sleep together - a habit picked up from Aedion's time with the bane - to never sleep alone. Feyre led Rowan and I to a room with a beautiful view of Velaris and a river they called the Sidra. I spent a long time just gazing over the city. Terrasen would forever be a place of complete beauty and my kingdom would forever remain a paradise, but this was something else entirely. Rowan stood next to me, a hand on my back.

"we got her back" he says softly. I lean into his chest. "yes. She's done well for herself here" I say, smiling. "yes, she has. A mate and a carranam" He looks down at me "Maeve won't stand a chance" I close my eyes "I know. But you saw what she did last time. And now... now she's after Asterin" I sigh and Rowan wraps his arms around me "I refuse to let what happened to me happen to her. Or worse" I say, quietly. "I know Fireheart, I know"


The next morning, we winnow over to the river house. Asterin is leaving today. I can't even stand to think of it, and from the grim look on Nyx's face, I know he can't either. Asterin is torn between excitement and sadness. I am happy for her, I really am. She finally get's to see the family she'd thought gone forever. I know she'll return, because the separation will hurt her just as much as us.

As soon as we arrive, Asterin's father Rowan pulls me and Nyx to one side. Asterin laughs and rolls her eyes before going to join her mother. "the two of you are bonded to my daughter" he says, with a lethal tone "so even if you manage to hurt or betray her, no matter the damage inflicted on you by the bond or her, I will find what is left of you and I will enjoy drawing out your suffering, and believe me when I say, my brothers will assist me in my quest and eagerly take a part in it. There will be no place you can hide, in this world or the next, that I cannot find you, understood" Me and Nyx nodded in unison and Rowan seemed to instantly relax and smiled at us "now that's over and done with, I am happy for the two of you, and Asterin" he says and walks off to join his mate.

I exchange a look with Nyx before Asterin and Aelin walk towards us. "We would very much like for the two of you to come back to Terrasen with us" Aelin says, smiling. Oh wow. "It would be our honour" I say, bowing slightly. "Brilliant! I can't wait for you to meet everyone else!" Asterin says, excitedly. "not that they could stop us going, but do our parents know?" Nyx asks and Aelin laughs "yes, they do. We're planning for the two of you to stay for a month or two and then Rhysand has invited our court to stay here for a length of time afterwards" she says.

Once we've said goodbye, Aelin slices open her hand and uses her blood to draw marks on the ground. A moment later, as we stepped onto them, the world disappeared in a blinding flash of light. As my eyes re-adjusted and I gained my vision back, I could make out the inside of a large throne room. A shout rang out from one end of the hall and I whirled around to see a beautiful green eyed woman come running up, squealing and embracing Asterin tightly. 

My mate just laughed and hugged her back. She pulled away and turned to me and Nyx. "this is Ash and Nyx, they're both from the world I landed in" she says, gesturing to the two of us "Ash, Nyx, this is my aunt Lysandra" Oh, the shape-shifter. Lysandra smiles at us before looking to Aedion. She pulls him into a kiss as Aedion mutters something about choosing her niece over her own husband before kissing her back.

The doors at one end of the high-ceilinged room opened and around 7 people walked in. There were only three females, one of which looked positively monstrous. A blonde-haired fae male runs forward as he catches sight of Asterin and pulls her into a tight hug "hello pup!" he exclaims, lifting Asterin up. She laughs and once she's back on the floor, introduces us "Nyx, Ash, this is Fenrys, Fenrys this is Nyx and Ash" Fenrys smiles at us and walks over to Aelin as a man and a woman approach us, wearing what looks like a form of flying leathers. Asterin introduces them as Nesryn and Sartaq. Next comes a fae male who looks a lot like Aedion. His name is Gavriel and he's Aedion's father which would explain the similarities. 

After Gavriel we're introduced to Lorcan and Elide. Elide smiles gracefully at me and Lorcan looks me and Nyx up and down with a stone cold expression that only softens slightly when he sees Asterin. Finally comes the monstrous looking woman who would give Amren a run for her money. She looks like she's considering ripping my guts out and eating them. She introduces herself as Manon,scanning the two of us once and giving Asterin a knowing look "it's good to have you back, witchling" she says, turning to Asterin "thanks. Although, for the last time, I am not a witch" she says, laughing. Manon smirks "you're close enough" is all she says before stalking off to join Dorian.

Asterin turns to us "you've still got to meet Chaol, Yrene, Henric and my brother and sister yet" as she says it, the doors open and five people run in "ah, speak of the devil" she says, grinning. The man and woman are introduced as Chaol and Yrene, who both seem nice enough. Their son Henric seems okay as well. Last of all approaches a young male with blond hair and green eyes and a young female with silver hair and turquoise eyes ringed with gold. They both hug Asterin tightly, not particularly wanting to let go. The male is Sam and the female is Lyria, Asterin's brother and sister.

When we're finally finished with introductions, we begin to tell them a story. Surprisingly enough, the story starts with a girl falling out of the sky.

A/N: please do not judge the fact I named Chaol and Yrene's child Henric, I'm really bad with names lmao

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