Let's spice things up a bit ;)

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OMFG THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 3.5K READS!!! YA'LL ARE AMAZING!!! I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday or this morning but I've been so busy with school and I also work with horses a lot (that may or may not be why Asterin likes horses) so writing a chapter has been pretty hard.
I'm currently also in the works of creating another story about an assassin with an enemies to lovers if you want that!

WARNING: Incredibly badly written smut (I don't know if you can even call it smut)

DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any mental trauma from reading this ;)

P.s I sorta merged two chapters into one so this one is a little long. Btw the smut parts took me like two weeks to write and it still isn't good so I'm so sorry

Asterin POV

I wake up to a scent I have known my whole life. My father. I open my eyes to find myself lying on a bed, my father sat on the bed beside me, stroking my hair. "morning little phoenix" he says, softly. Despite the tone and the relaxed appearance, I can tell there's a raging inferno of emotions behind those green eyes. I can't blame him. "your mother will be here in a minute - she's busy dealing with the council at the moment. I told her you were awake through the bond and it sounded like we won't have a council pretty soon unless they let her go" 

I smile slightly. I cannot push past the thought of what just happened. I had to watch her hurt them. I had to watch her destroy the two people I love the most. They had to watch whilst she destroyed me. None of us will ever be the same again. "they're blood sworn to me" I whisper, looking to my father. He smiles "we know. Ash and Nyx woke up yesterday and told us everything." I close my eyes "please tell me they're all right" "yes, they are. Unsurprisingly they want to see you, but you should probably wait a bit" he replies and I nod. 

The door is flung open and in marches my mother, eyes blazing. Her expression immedietly softens when she catches sight of me. I smile slightly at her. She walks over and hugs me, pulling me tight against her. "you should never have had to go through that" she whispers. "neither should you" I reply. Asterin? comes Nyx's voice down our bond. Yes?
Thank the gods, you're awake
Are you alright?
No. But neither are you so there's no point pretending.
There's a moment of silence. What are we going to do about the blood oath? I ask
What do you mean?
You're the heir to the night court, Nyx, carranam or not. The High Lord of the Night Court cannot be blood sworn to serve another queen.
I'm not the high lord now.
But you will be.
Possibly, but that could be centuries away. We can break the oath if we need to, but until then, I would be honoured to be your blood sworn, Asterin. Providing you want that of course.
I don't deserve you Nyx. I never have.
You can keep believing that, but it doesn't mean it's true. I spoke to Ash and he wants to stay blood sworn to you as well. I have no clue how to respond to that.

My parents left me to allow me time with my mate on my own. Ash practically broke the door down when I called for him to enter. I was stood facing the window, looking out to the forests beyond the city. I adored the view from my window, it never stopped amazing me. Ash appears beside me, looping an arm around my waist and pulling me in to his chest, kissing me fiercely. Suddenly, I was awake, all signs of sleep deprivation magically vanished. I kissed him back and he smirked against my mouth.

Ash pushes me backwards, still kissing me like his life depends on it. My back hits the wall and I bring a hand up to his hair as he devours my lips. He moves his mouth down to my jaw, leaning against the wall with one hand beside my head. I practically melt into his touch as he places featherlight kisses across my jaw, contrasting to the ferocious manner from earlier. He moves down my neck and across my throat, his free hand slipping underneath my shirt. "I missed this" he murmurs against my neck, his hand ghosting up spine. His touch makes me shiver.

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