just wait till i grow up

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My father and Azriel enter first, followed by Rhys and Feyre. My mother stayed in Velaris with Emerie and Gwyn, she tries to avoid the hewn city at all times. The three of us enter next, Asterin at the centre with a wicked smirk on her face. Nyx put's on his casual, bored appearance, releasing some of his own power like his father. I let them see what I am. The son of one of the most powerful Illyrians and the child of a woman who was once master of death. Asterin however, walks in with a slight swagger. Everything about her radiates power. She is, after all, the descendant of a God.

The three of us aren't even settled yet. Cauldron help them when we do. People believe me to become the most powerful Illyrian ever seen. Nyx is already powerful enough to match his Dad. That's without the power his father holds as high lord and the power that will continue developing as he gets older until he settles. Asterin... well, with just one of her powers she would be one of the most powerful fae to walk her world. And ours. Combined... she is a god. The thing is, she knows it. She let's it show as she walks down between the people of the hewn city who are kneeling. Personally, I think deep down it scares her. Just how much power she holds. 

With her and Nyx as carranam, there's nothing that could stop them. The three of us stand before the Dias. Nyx gives the order to rise and they do, looking surprised as their eyes catch on Asterin. Asterin continues to wickedly smirk at them. Rhysand addresses the court "as you can see, there is a new member of my court. This is Asterin. She's a member of my inner circle and will be treated as such. She is also a princess and potential heir to another kingdom. You will give her the respect she deserves" All eyes turn to Asterin, taking in the posture, the outfit, the crown and the general attitude that radiated power. There's a slight murmur across the room that increases into a buzz of conversation when the high lord allows them to eat and dance.

I turn to Asterin. "I think they're scared of you" I say and she laughs "as they should be" Keir approaches us and bows. "forgive me, my lady" he says, addressing Asterin. Azriel stiffens noticeably but Asterin doesn't seem bothered. "but what kingdom are you a possible heir to?" he continues. Asterin stares at him, still smirking "a land called Terrasen. No, it is not in Prythian before you ask" Keir looks curious but a growl from Azriel draws his attention away from her. He ignores Azriel but looks to Mor instead. Mor rolls her eyes and looks bored. 

Rhys and Nyx deal with whatever Nyx was needed for and return later. Asterin is stood next to me, watching the people dance and eat. Most of them keep throwing wary glances towards her. She pays no attention, occasionally catching their glances and throwing predatory grins at them. She's pretty casual when suddenly she stands bolt upright, stiffening. What is it? I ask down the bond. Her answer rattles me There's a valg here. My eyes widen but she gives me a cautious look Let me find it.

She steps up to the dias and exchanges a few word with Rhys and Feyre who both look grim. She turns back to the room "ladies and gentlemen if I may have you attention" she calls. The conversation dies and the music stops. "there is someone among you" she says, scanning the crowd "who should not be here" The court mutter to each other "so, my apologies for this next part" she says and the room bursts into flames. There are shouts and screams and people yell. Asterin laughs. The flames snake their way through the people, searching. Asterin watches on, amused at the continued cries and screams. The flames are not hot, they will not burn, but they must be a terrifying sight.

Asterin snarls and all the flames centre around one man. He's handsome and looks reasonably young, with blond hair and brown eyes. He's glancing around frantically at the flames that encircle him. The crowd parts to allow her to walk up to him. Slowly, deliberately. The thing seems to recognise her and hisses "descendant of Mala fire-bringer" at her. She smiles, enjoying the title. "what are you doing here?" she asks it. The thing merely hisses in response. She brings the flames closer to him, allowing them to grow hot. It hisses before replying "I am one of many, sent to find you" Asterin's eyes widen "sent by who?" The Valg snarls so she brings the flames even closer and repeats the question. The thing screeches and yells but eventually gives in "the Valg Queen" it screams. 

Asterin's eyes widen. I can feel her panic through the bond. She looks to Rhys who nods. She burns the thing and it screeches and hisses until all is left is a pile of ash that Rhys removes with a flick of his wrist. "you're all dismissed" he says to the court. Nyx grabs me and Asterin and a moment later, we are all at the river house once more. Azriel disappears and reappears with Amren. she looks between us all. "what happened?" she asks and they all turn to Asterin who's looking slightly pale. 

"there was a Valg." she said, quietly "it said it was one of many, sent to find me. Sent by the Valg Queen" Amren's eyes narrow and she looks to Rhys "how far did you get into it's head?" she demands. "not far" Rhys admits "it was shielded, but not by the creature itself. It told the truth though. Apparently the Valg Queen is Maeve. I felt it try to contact someone so I blocked it." There's silence. "so Maeve is back" Amren says, thinking "with more Valg. She must've sent Valg into many worlds in hopes of finding Asterin. She must have worked out that Asterin world walked. The Valg tried to contact her but Rhys stopped it so we're safe for now."

"my world isn't" Asterin says quietly "she knows where it is. If she's still alive, she has a way of getting there too. She sent the Valg at the start of all this to get me. That would explain how it could attack my mind" she continues, looking to Amren, who nods. "Yes. There's nothing we can do for now but double our efforts to find a way to get you back or get a warning to them." she turns to Asterin who's staring resolutely at the small woman. "there's nothing you can do but rest. And start tunnelling down into your power." she turns to Nyx "both of you. together you are the best hope of destroying that thing.

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