the rite of the blood

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Sitting and healing was immensely boring. My father forbid any of us to train or fly whilst we were still healing. With nothing much else to do, we used the time to show Asterin more of Velaris. She seems to love the Sidra the most. Surprisingly, Asterin can play piano. Apparently, her mother taught her. She plays so beautifully it's mesmerising and she's started to teach me and Nyx. I am not particularly good at playing, Nyx seems to be a bit better than me, but Asterin is a very patient teacher. 

Yesterday afternoon she was sat next to me, teaching me a short piece. "it sounds so much better when you play it" I say and she laughs "if you ever hear my mum play, you'll hear quite how bad I am" Nyx taught her how to shield her mind in return, apparently she's rather good with impenetrable shields.

When Magda finally allows us to train, the three of us have so much energy that by the end of it, Rhysand, Cassian and Azriel are all thoroughly exhausted. We go flying in the afternoon again, returning to the waterfall as usual. My father, Rhys and Az were reluctant to allow us to go given what had happened last time, but with enough persistence from the three of us, they eventually gave in. We were sat next to the waterfall with Asterin lying between us in her wolf form. She hadn't been allowed to shift due to her injuries previously and was savouring being able to switch bodies once more. 

She shifts slightly, and puts her head in my lap, closing her eyes. I smile down at her. I love these moments. When it's just the three of us. When we eventually go back, everyone seems to be talking about something in the living room. I hear Rhys growl "No. not a chance in hell". It was then that I scented someone else. Devlon. The Illryian war lord. I pushed open the door with Asterin and Nyx at my back. "what's going on?" I ask, looking to my father. He looks angry as he turns to face me but Devlon gets there first "you and Nyx are required to compete in the upcoming blood rite" he says, smirking at me. I glance around. My father and Rhys look furious. Azriel however, looks lethal. "they are not required to do anything" snarls my father

Devlon looks between me and Nyx, his eyes catching on Asterin who is staring at him, fury dancing in her eyes. I growl at him. I actually growl at him. Devlon looks amused. "you are now. if you want to fly with the Illyrian legions, you will compete in the blood rite. You are both of age. I'm sure your high lord will try to find a way out, but there is none. If you do not complete it, you will not fly with us. We will not fight beside you." I look to Nyx, who although furious, nods. I turn back to Devlon "fine. We'll compete in the Rite" I say, letting some of my own anger burn in my eyes. "no" Rhysand snaps but Nyx turns to him "yes" he says "at some point or later, we will need the legions. As much as I hate to say it, Devlon is right. If we want to fight beside them, we'll have to complete the rite. It will have to happen. So why not do it now, rather than later" "no" my father growls. "yes" I say simply. As much as it kills me to say it, Devlon is right. We will have to complete it at some point. We might as well do it now, to prove to the Illyrians we are committed.

"if you go, I'll go" Asterin says quietly and all eyes fix on her. She just continues staring at Devlon. "No" I growl at her "I will say this once" she says, turning to face me "I will go with you. If you do not go, I will not either. Given that you intend to go, so will I." she turns back to Devlon, who is looking at her curiously "you are not Illyrian" he says, looking her up and down. I have to fight the urge to rip his throat out here and now. "neither are Nesta or Gwyn, and they still competed" she continues calmly. Azriel looks like he's about to go on a killing spree. "very well, the three of you will compete" he says, a little reluctantly. "no" Azriel, Cassian and Rhysand snap at the same time. "it is not your decision" Devlon says, his eyes fixing once again on Asterin "I'm the damn high lord, it is if I say it is" Rhys snarls "and your son is your heir. They have chosen and they will compete. I expect them up at Windhaven tomorrow so they can at least get some training in with the others" he walks outside, spreads his wings and takes off into the night. 

"there is no way you are competing" Rhys says to the three of us, looking ever more furious. "it's not your choice" Asterin says, facing him. "like hell it is" he snarls. Asterin just gave him a look that quite clearly said try and stop me. "With all three of us there we'll be fine" Nyx says, facing his father. "not against other Illyrians" my father replies. "let them compete" says Feyre, pushing off the wall from where she was leaning, watching everything. Rhysand whirls to her but she fixes her gaze on Asterin "I can guarantee the three of you would have done the exact same thing when you were younger" she says, looking to Rhys, Cass and Az. "plus, I doubt you could stop them. So let them compete." 

"besides" Asterin says, smirking, "we're too stubborn to die" 

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