what food can't solve, murder can

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Asterin and Amren approach. Asterin is covered in sweat, pale and shaking slightly. Despite this, she's grinning. "That was amazing" Ash says from beside me. "thanks, I had no idea what would happen. I don't know if I can do it again" she replies, still grinning. "Let's not try now" my father says, frowning slightly. Asterin gives him a look that quite clearly says I will if I want to. 

"I am starving!" says Cassian, giving Asterin a grin. She laughs "yeah, same" My mother smiles at the two of them saying "We should probably eat lunch then" Everyone begins to file inside. Asterin makes to follow them but I catch her arm and she turns to face me "are you okay?" I ask "yeah, it just drained me a bit. I'm sure if I eat lots I'll be fine" I chuckle "I don't think eating can solve everything" "no, there are some problems that cannot be solved by eating, but they can usually be solved by murder" she says, flashing me a grin. 

It was then that I noticed Azriel, evidently staying behind to try to get to talk to Asterin on her own. Asterin notices him too so I take that as my queue to leave.

Azriel POV

I have no idea how to do this. She's standing before me, waiting patiently. I don't know what to say. I talked to Gwyn briefly whilst we were sparring but now I actually have to face her... She seems very pale and I can see her shaking. It sparks up some instinct in me. I push past it, trying to focus on what I need to say.

"Asterin, you haven't been here long" I begin, stumbling slightly as I look for the right words "so... God I'm sorry I'm really bad at this" I say to her but she just smiles "it's fine, i am as well" I smile back. At least she understands that this is difficult for me to say "I think you probably noticed my hands" I say, studying her for any sign of a reaction. "Azriel" she says, cutting me off. "It's fine. You don't have to tell me anything or feel you need to. I understand, I have scars of my own. Everyone does. Some of them just happen to be more visible than others"

Oh. "Thank you" I say quietly. She just nods. "You really should eat something, you look like you're about to pass out" I say, frowning slightly. She laughs slightly and I offer her my hand. She takes it and together we walk to the dining room where everyone is already waiting. I catch Feyre's eye as we walk in. Her eyes flick from our joined hands, to Asterin and back to me. She smiles and nudges Rhys. He looks us over and smiles at me. I'm not exactly sure what, but I feel like I've accomplished something. 

Asterin is basically dragged away by Nesta to join her, Gwyn and Emerie, no doubt to try to persuade her into becoming a Valkyrie. At Rhys's invitation, I sit between him and Cassian. Cass gives me a knowing look before turning back to continue talking to Ash. It might have been some instinct inside of me, but I watch Asterin carefully until I'm sure she's eaten enough. Feyre notices and smirks at me slightly. 

Asterin POV

Azriel walked me to the dining room, holding my hand. I knew exactly how much that must've meant to him but I would've done it anyway even if I hadn't known that despite being over 500 years old, he's still self - conscious of his scars. I'm dragged away by Nesta as soon as I arrive, but deep down I want to keep holding onto Azriel. 

"so, do you know what a Valkyrie is?" asks Gwyn eagerly. "no" I say, now curious. "well, to cut it short it's basically a group of badass, deadly, all female warriors" says Nesta. That does sound pretty amazing. I'm fairly sure my mother would love that. It also sounds like the kind of thing Manon might like as well. "They are trained in both the mind and the body, allowing them to become living weapons" continues Emerie. 

"the mind?" I ask "yes, it's quite hard to do, but with loads of training, your mind can become just as much of a weapon as your body. The training you do helps to stop you panicking or losing control, if you need to, you can just become completely calm, it helps a lot when you fight." explains Gwyn. They all seem to look really excited "and you're all Valkyries?" I ask and they nod "and you want me to become one as well?" "only if you want to" replies Gwyn. I laugh at their anticipating expressions "I mean, okay, that does sound pretty cool" Nesta smirks down to Cassian as Gwyn and Emerie high five. 

Cassian laughs "looks like we're getting one more valkyrie Rhys" he says. Rhysand turns to look at me and smirks. He whispers something to Azriel who snaps his gaze to mine, smiling.  I can see a flicker of emotion there, it almost looks like pride. I turn back to Gwyn "so do you have a test that signifies you're a valkyrie when you pass it?" I ask. She nods and explains "you hang a silk ribbon and once you can cut through it, you're a valkyrie" I nod, thinking. My father made me do all sorts of training exercises, but never cut through a ribbon. "we'll start tomorrow, us and Cass can teach you some of the Valkyrie fighting techniques, but the main thing you need to learn is the training with your mind, we can do that in the evenings if you want" Gwyn says and I nod.

"so, new valkyrie in training, what do you want to do this afternoon?" Rhysand asks, smiling. I laugh at the title "I don't mind really" "Me and Ash could show you around if you wanted" Nyx offers. I glance to him. "Alright" I say, smiling.

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