the demon hath returned

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Hi, quick note, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR OVER 200 VOTES AND OVER 2K READS!!! Thanks you to everyone who's been voting and commenting - it makes my day!!! Plus, I absolutely love responding to you all!!! \I'm sorry for leaving you guys on a cliffhanger like that but I couldn't resist ;)


Something jolts me awake. My eyes open. It takes me a moment to realise. I can't move. I'm paralysed. Why can't I move? I struggle desperately for a sign of moment, to move my arm, my hand, my fingers, something, anything! And then it hits me. My mate. Where the fuck is my mate? She was lying next to me when we fell asleep all together, so where the hell is she? I must've been drugged somehow to paralyse me like this, so all I have to do is wait until the drug wears out.

This takes what feels like years, but could not have been more than twenty minutes. All the time I can't help but panic at the loss of my mate. It's like losing a part of your soul. Gradually movement returns from my neck down to my feet. The moment I am able, I push myself so I'm sitting up. My head starts to spin painfully but I push it to one side. I will slaughter whoever did this. You cannot stand between me and my mate and live to tell the tale.

I push myself to the edge of the bed and collapse to the floor, my muscles shaking at the effort, my movements sluggish with the remaining effects of the drug. My head is pounding, my heart racing. I must find my mate. I have to find my mate. 

The room I'm in is less of a room and more of a cell. The walls, ceiling and floor appear to be made out of a black shimmering rock that doesn't feel natural. It was completely flat and smooth, absorbing almost all of the light that came in through the crack around the door. There was one small bed in a corner opposite the large metal door. I tried the door but to no surprise it was locked. Panic flooded through me, icy cold and drenching. Where was my mate? What if she was injured or hurt? Where was Nyx? Where even am I?

I couldn't reach down the bond, the drug must be preventing it.

"Asterin" I whispered, leaning my back against the cold repulsive stone. I repeated her name again and again, louder and louder, until I was screaming, my throat burning and ripping as tears flooded down my cheeks. As the drug wore off, I tried to get through the door, pushing punching and kicking but to no avail. I sunk against the metal in desperation, hoarsely whispering her name over and over. 

Asterin POV

whatever drug I had been given began to wear off after a while and I was able to sit up. I immediately slumped back as my vision clouded with black and my head spun as if it was caught in a storm. The room was spinning, my head felt like it had a whole through it. I was sweating. Why was I sweating? It was freezing! My body was shaking violently. I could feel my body slipping away but I fought the pull towards unconsciousness. I had to stay awake. For Nyx. For Ash.

I repeated their names over and over, trying to stay awake. In the end, my body gave out and my head fell back as I was pushed into unconsciousness. I resurfaced into consciousness occasionally, unable to think of anything but my mate and carranam. The room swam, the world seemed to spin every time and everything blurred. I was still shaking and sweating, drousy and mostly out for the count, but all I could think of were the two people who mattered to me most.


I'm slumped against the wall when the door opens. Immediately, I leap to my feet, already in a fighting stance. Into my room comes a beautiful female, dressed in a luxurious red silk dress. She smiles with predatory intent as she looks me over. "the mate" she says, slowly, starting to circle me. I don't move. If this is who I think it is, I need to choose what I say and do very carefully.

"In case you haven't managed to work it out, I am the one known as Maeve" the female says, smiling as she continues to circle me. She looks so perfect it's unnatural. Asterin had told me stories about her, what this damn thing had done to her mother. I snarl as she continues that predatory movement around me. Maeve merely chuckles "calm down little thing" she coos, mockingly "or you won't be able to see your dear little mate"

I immediately stiffen, straightening my spine and standing rigid at the mention of my mate. Maeve laughs "you've really taken to the little bitch" she mocks, smirking. I growl at her. This thing is about to end up in two pieces "now, now, let's have some manners" she drawls, some unseen power forcing me to my knees "here's how this is going to work, boy" she says, leaning down to me as I grit my teeth. "you will behave or there will be consequences" she whispers, running a finger down my cheek. I snarl at her and she laughs "oh no, I won't punish you, I'll punish her" that shuts me up.

"good." She beckons for me to follow and the power restraining me releases, allowing me to stand and follow the thing out the room. It leads me through a series of dark passageways made of that repulsive stone. The only colour in this place is the bright red dress Maeve is currently wearing.

She leads me to a door and flicks a wrist so that it opens to allow her to enter. I follow her inside. Pain rips through me as I spot my mate, sprawled on the floor, unconscious and deathly pale, sweating and shaking profusely. I run over to her, kneeling down and calling her name, trying to wake her, temporarily forgetting about Maeve.

Her eyes open slightly for a moment "Ash..." she whispers and then her head falls back as she loses consciousness. I whirl around to Maeve "what the hell have you done to her?" I growled "nothing yet ,little boy, but it appears she's having a nasty reaction to the drug we gave you" she says, picking at her nails. "I thought you'd want to help her through it before we get started properly" she continues, looking up to give me a vicious grin and leaving the room.

I can hear the door lock but I don't care. I found my mate. I have yet to find my cousin. 

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