damn, these illyrian leathers...

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Asterin POV

Everyone gets up to leave but Feyre catches me by the arm. "you'll need fighting leathers" she says and leads me up to my room. She flicks her wrist and a pile of leathers appear on the bed. "they're like really lightweight, flexible armour and designed for fighting in" she explains, sorting through the pile "I'll help you put them on the first few times as they can be complicated."

She works her way from my feet up to my neck, strapping and buckling on the leathers. When they're all on, she briefly double checks them and steps back to look me up and down. "you look good in Illyrian leathers" she says, smiling. I smile back. she gestures to a mirror so I can see myself. 

She's right. The Illyrian leathers fit me almost like a second skin. They're light enough that I can barely feel them and flexible enough to not impede any movement. I thank Feyre, who leaves, telling me she'll be back down to take me out to the ring in a minute. I use the time to re braid my hair, fastening it in a tight knot at the back like I usually do for training.

Feyre POV

She really does look good in leathers. I can't quite get over it. I think Nyx and Ash might actually feint when they see her i say to Rhys down the bond as I change into my own leathers.
Did they fit her then?
Yes, almost perfectly
Good. I think Cass is going to enjoy having a new sparring partner
I think so too. The two of them should be matched pretty well

I finish putting on my leathers and walk back to Asterin's room. She's tied her hair up out the way and her turquoise eyes are shining in anticipation. Az, Cass, Rhys, Emerie, Nesta and Gwyn are already there. The three Illyrian males basically gape at the sight of Asterin in leathers. They suit her rather well. She looks like a true warrior. 

You weren't kidding Rhys says to me
No, it's quite something
I lead Asterin over to the group. Nesta, Emerie and Gwyn are staring at her, no doubt working out how to persuade her into becoming a Valkyrie. Rhys is smirking, Az looks... impressed and Cass is grinning. Ash and Nyx land next to each other and begin to walk towards us, stopping when they catch sight of Asterin. I can't blame the two of them. Asterin in Illyrian fighting leathers is a sight to behold.


She looks fucking stunning. The leathers fit her well and she looks like a true Illyrian. Her hair is pulled back into a knot at the back of her head. The combination of that and the leathers seems to radiate deadly power. I can't take my eyes off her. She walks over to the two of us and I mentally shake myself. "you look stunning, darling" I say, smiling. She smirks "I know" "the Illyrian leathers really do look good on you princess" Nyx says, looking her up and down, violet eyes twinkling. "I am aware. Although, I've learnt I look good in most things" I bet she looks even better without anything on, Nyx says to me and I smirk at him. 

Cassian calls her over and I follow Nyx into a clear space. We don't normally train all together like this. My father, Azriel, Nyx and myself usually train every morning together up here. Half the time, Rhysand and Feyre will join us too. It's not guaranteed, every now and then some of them have trips to attend to, duties to look after. I often join my father up at the Illyrian camps. Unsurprisingly, I can beat pretty much all the Illyrians in a fight. I'm good enough to challenge my dad, and occasionally I do win. My mother, Emerie and Gwyn sometimes join us, although they tend to train up at the house of wind. Every so often, we train altogether like today.

I keep looking back over to Asterin. Those Illyrian leathers are not helping my self control

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