there aren't many methods for dismounting a wyvern mid-air

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Asterin POV

Once I've changed out my leathers, Nyx winnows me and Ash to the centre of the town. Immediately, my senses are blessed with the beautiful surroundings. Nyx winnowed us into a quiet alley, just off the main street that runs along side what they call the Sidra. It seems to be a river made out of liquid stars. I can smell an array of strange and interesting spices. It's dusk at the moment, and the light from the sun is a beautiful golden colour, adding to the stunning atmosphere. I can hear the faint sounds of music and people walk past on the main street before us, chatting and laughing. I just stand there, taking it all in.

Terrasen is beautiful, but Velaris is a different kind of beauty. Ash steps up beside me "it's quite something, isn't it?" I haven't got the words to speak so I just nod. Nyx and ash show me around the highlights of the city, pointing out markets, cafes and shops that seem to sell everything from clothing to Gemstones. They show me the rainbow and it's collection of galleries, shops selling art and music supplies and even theatres. I stay relatively quiet throughout it all, just drinking it all in. We stop on a bridge that crosses over the Sidra. People notice Nyx and Ash and give them warm smiles and greetings. The three of us lean into the railings, gazing down at the mesmerising waters below.

"so what do you think?" Nyx asks "It's absolutely beautiful" I say, looking up to him. His eyes seem to shine. I glance to Ash who turns to look at me, the glittering lights reflecting in his hazel eyes. "we should go flying" he says, not taking his eyes off mine. "yes" I say, breaking the eye contact and gazing to the stars. Suddenly, I'm lifted off the ground and we shoot into the air. "what the fuck!" I yell and I hear a laugh from behind me that I recognise as Nyx. Nyx hovers in mid air, still carrying me, as Ash shoots up to join us, laughing. "Nyx I swear if you do not put me down I will punch you" He laughs "why, princess, afraid of heights?" I roll my eyes. "don't call me princess" I say, winking before punching him hard in the stomach. Instinctively he releases me and I start falling.

Falling doesn't scare me. I've fallen off everything from trees and rooves to wyverns and horses. I let myself free fall, laughing. This was one of my favourite tricks and is my particular favourite method of dismounting a mid air wyvern. Not that there are many other ways.

I was out in the sand arena with one of the youngsters. The arena was basically a large rectangular arena with high metal fences and sand covering the floor to prevent damage to either horse or rider. I was dealing with a particularly vicious youngster - a foal of farasha, Chaol's horse, named Hellas. I'd been thrown off twice after 3 hours of basic schooling. It was not his first time with a saddle and mounted rider by a long shot, but he never seems to get further than a few steps before he's bucking and rearing. I was starting with getting him to listen to basic commands but Hellas was not having it. He was determined to get me off his back and the youngster seemed to have a limitless supply of energy. 

He'd managed to throw me off into a fence earlier and I had blood running down half my face and probably a couple of broken ribs. I didn't care. I asked him to walk on and Hellas chose to rear up instead, nearly unseating me. I stayed on however and this seemed too satisfy him because on landing, he immediately calmed, standing still. It seemed as if he was waiting. I gave him the command to walk forward once more and this time, he did. I asked him to complete a few more basic commands before dismounting, utterly shocked at the change in behaviour. 

Hellas seemed to investigate me as if for the first time, sniffing me over. I untacked him myself, not wanting to endanger a stable hand and handed the tack to a waiting servant who was eyeing the horse warily. Hellas seemed content to allow me to pat him without attempting to take a bite out my arm, which was very unusual. It was almost like I passed a test, like he had deemed me worthy of his company. 

I led him out to the neighbouring paddock and walked back to find my mother watching me. "it only took about a month, but we've finally got there" I said, grinning and she laughs "nicely done. He definitely earned his name" I laugh at that "yes, he did" It was then that my father swooped down in hawk form, shifting as he landed. He looked me over and sighed as he caught sight of the blood coating me "there's no point having fae healing abilities if you don't allow yourself to heal" he says, holding a hand over my ribs. He doesn't miss a thing. I feel them heal and turn and hug him. He hugs me back lifting me off the ground "there's no point stopping to heal if it doesn't affect what you're doing" I say, grinning "you're just like your mother, little phoenix" he says smiling.

I smile at the memory and pin my arms to my side, allowing myself to go faster. I see Nyx and Ash catch up with me, looking worried. I laugh and salute them before shifting into my hawk form in a flash of light. I bank up, enjoying the feeling of flying once more. I slow down to allow Nyx and Ash to catch up so we are flying parallel. They're both laughing, looking windswept. I'd imagine I will as well when I shift back

If any of the citizens of Velaris were to look up, they'd see two Illyrians and a silver hawk, flying side by side into the night.

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