mind training time bitches

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I watch Asterin fly beside me. Her hawk has feathers of pure silver. I can't stop staring, it's mesmerising, the elegance of the creature. Me and Ash go to land but about five metres from the ground, Asterin shifts into her fae form and drops to the ground, landing lightly on her feet with the grace of an assassin. We land next to her and I vanish my wings. I watch Nyx do the same. "well that was fun" she says, smiling. Nyx smiles back "yes, it was" he says. I debate with myself for a moment "your hawk form is beautiful" I say, smiling at her. "thank you. It came from my father I think, he can shift to a white tailed hawk. I think the colouring also came from him"

"tomorrow, after training, we can go flying properly if you want" I offer. She nods, still smiling. "I'd like that" My mother comes out to meet us "Gwyn was wondering if you wanted to try training" she says to Asterin, who grins and nods before exiting with her. Nyx comes up beside me, watching the two of them leave "I'd say that went pretty well" he says, grinning. I raise my eyebrows at him "she did punch you. And she pinned you against the wall with a knife to your throat earlier" "when my father called in his bargain with my mother, as soon as they arrived and she threw a shoe at him. I'd say we're going pretty well"

"I wouldn't base you assumptions on that, cousin, but go ahead" I say, smirking. "she won't fall for you anyway, not when I'm here" Nyx rolls his eyes "in your dreams Ash"

Short chapter ik, sorry :)

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