There's about to be one hell of a slaughter

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Here's another chapter for y'all because of all your lovely support!!! Plus, I felt very bad leaving you on a cliffhanger like that!! Thanks so much for 2.6k reads!!!

Asterin POV (yep she's still alive folks ;) )

My whole body felt as if it were on fire. Pain consumed me. I managed to open my eyes to see that someone had returned me to my cell. I was laid out on the bed and I was not alone. Nyx was sat next to me, stroking my hair. "Nyx" I gasped, so quietly no mortal would be able to hear. Nyx's violet eyes snapped to mine. My carranam did not look well. He was pale, his usual twinkling eyes shadowed. Whatever drug we'd been given had not taken well to him.

He gave me a small smile. My neck felt like it was on fire. I reached up and touched it gingerly. There was some soft material wrapped around it. "she slit your throat" Nyx explained, gently pulling my hand away "not deep enough to kill you, but very close. "where's Ash?" I whispered and Nyx closed his eyes "I have no idea" he said and pain rippled across his face at the thought of his cousin. "Listen to me very carefully, Nyx, because we don't have much time" I said and he leaned closer.

An hour later, Maeve burst into the room, dragging away Nyx. I had lost a lot of blood and was very light headed but I managed to take a few shaking steps towards him before he was dragged out of sight. I fell to my knees and Maeve came up behind me, her purple gown flecked with my blood from earlier. I think she liked the look of it - a trophy. "just in case you had any thoughts about trying to defy me" she whispered, leaning down "He will serve me, just like your mate. You have no choice but to comply with me" she ran a hand over the material around my neck "I want to take my time with you, little one. I want you to learn precisely who you serve." she said, straightening up "I will be back, princess" she threw the title at me, mocking me. 

Even after she'd gone, I remained there, kneeling on the floor and staring at the door. At some point, guards came and dragged me out to the throne room. From then on, I lost track of time. Maeve was true to her word. She took her time with me, carving up my flesh, choosing which bits she allowed to scar. She mocked me, taunted me but I said nothing. I did nothing. I had nothing left to give. The two people I loved the most watched as every manner of pain was inflicted upon me. They looked on at me. Doing nothing. Smirking at the agony. My silence began to annoy Maeve. She commanded her two new blood sworn warriors to take over sometimes, thinking it would hurt me more. I remained silent. I was lost, lost to myself and lost in this new world. I was lost to the two people who I had loved most.

I would fall unconscious and wake to find the marks of the previous time healed. She allowed very few to scar. Apparently, I would be with her for eternity, so she wanted to take her time. She let the one's she'd inflicted on me the first time stay, healing at a mortal pace. I said nothing. I did not scream or cry out or moan. I remained silent, broken in a way that was not physical. Maeve kept me drugged to prevent the use of my power and that only shattered me further.

Ash had been selected by Maeve this time round. As the pain rushed through me, I looked up and caught his gaze. His smirk did not change even as a tear slipped down my cheek as I continued to gaze into those hazel eyes. 

I woke up to my mate lying next to me, running a hand through my hair. For a second, I allowed myself to pretend that the healing wounds at my neck, shoulder and abdomen were fake, that none of it had ever happened. That I was lying in our bed in the cabin, that my mate was with me. I broke away from my fantasy and opened my eyes to meet his hazel ones. He blinked three times. Are you okay?

It was like the world came rushing back all at once. I blinked back once. Yes. He smirked and blinked back six times. Liar. Despite the care free posture and the lazy smirk, I could see the pain deep in his eyes. I blinked back 7 times. This was one of my favourite codes. It meant There's about to be one hell of a slaughter. He blinked back twice - one long, one short. I know. I blinked back three times. Are you okay? He blinked back twice. No. I blinked back four times. I am here, I am with you. 

Guards burst into the room, Maeve behind them. She was wearing a dress the colour of blood and a smirk was playing on her lips. "There you are, my queen" Ash drawls, running a hand down my cheek. I willed myself back into that blank, silent state, staring at the opposite wall. Maeve beckoned to him and he dragged me off the bed and through the corridors to the throne room once more. Nyx was already there, waiting by Maeve's throne, the usual guards lining the walls. 

Ash forces me to my knees in front of the throne and blinks four times at me. I am here, I am with you, before moving to stand on the opposite side of the throne to Nyx. "what shall we do with you today, little one?" she drawls, gazing at me. 

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