I'm gonna leave you on the edge of a cliff for this one ;)

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HI YALL, FIRST OF ALL, WOW THE NUMBER OF READS IS CRAZY THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! secondly, I am VERY excited for shadow and bone on netflix!! so I might not update for a few days whilst I binge watch that!

Asterin POV

We walked out of the yard and immediately I could feel everything flooding back to me as Hellas walked along. The beautiful movement of his body beneath me was like waking up after a century of sleep. I closed my eyes for a moment, listening to the sound of hooves on stone and feeling the beautiful rhythmic movement of Hellas beneath me. I opened my eyes to see Ash smiling at me.

We walked into the woods and onto my favourite track, picking up a trot as the ground softened. Hellas was impatiently pulling on the reins in an effort to go faster. I glanced to Ash and smirked before pushing Hellas forward. The horse needed no encouragement, immediately cantering forwards. The wind pushed through my hair as Hellas cantered onwards. I laughed and turned around to find Ash and Nyx close behind. 

Hellas didn't bother turning or slowing, merely ploughing through undergrowth and jumping any obstacles, increasing his speed with each second. This was one of my favourite feelings in the world, it sparked something inside me. It just felt right. Hellas pushed forwards, ears pricked as I stood in my stirrups to allow him to move faster. 

That was how we spent the rest of the morning, riding through the forest. We either seemed to be racing or just gently plodding along to admire the scenery. The world seemed to be going right for once, or as close to right as this world got. The lure of the valg was something I refused to think about.

When we got back, lunch was already laid out in the hall and half the court had already started eating. Once we'd finished, I was surprisingly tired. Ash and Nyx walked with me to my room and by the time I actually got inside, I was basically half asleep. Ash gave up watching me and just lifted me up, despite my protests that I was not tired enough to require carrying.

He set me down on the bed and made to leave like the gentleman he was. I rolled my eyes. You don't have to leave I send down the bond, closing my eyes. After a second, I feel two bodies press to my own, holding me tight. I fell asleep quicker than I had done in a long time.

My eyes snap open. Something had jolted me awake. It takes me a moment to realise that I can't move. I try as hard as I can but my body refuses to obey me. What the fuck is going on? I can't move. I can't move. I can't move. Panic surges but I push it down. There has to be a logical explanation to this. That's when I realise two things. Number one, this is not my bed. And number two, Nyx and Ash are gone.

Hehehe short chapter sorry but I couldn't resist the cliffhanger!

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