I will never grow bored of this, even after eternity

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HELLO MY BEAUTIFUL READERS!!!! How are we all? I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday but I'm rather busy writing a second story which I'm REALLY excited to publish for you all!!!
This chapter is rather short I'm afraid!!
Also, let's not judge the title cause I had no clue!!!

********I need some help from all of you!!!!!*******
So, I'm not entirely sure where to go with this story anymore? If you have ANY ideas, please comment!! I am also open to writing one shots for this story if you want a specific scene!!
If I don't get any ideas, I might have to bring this story to a close so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GIVE ME SOME IDEAS!!!!!

Anyways, that's enough from me!! Enjoy :)


Did she really just say that? Was that in my head? Her eyes close and run a hand through her hair. "I love you" I whisper, so quietly I doubt she'd be able to hear it if she was even awake. I just sit there in the warm water, my mate in my arms. She wakes up after half an hour for long enough to allow her to get dressed and get into bed. 

She sleeps for another day, during which I never leave her side. Nyx came in to check on her twice. The next morning, Asterin wakes up properly, flinging on clothes and hurrying out the room to find Nyx. Once the three of us are united, I don't think there's any chance of separating us. Asterin spends the day showing us around the wyverns. She seems rather annoyed that she's not allowed to ride her own wyvern yet, but neither Nyx nor I will let her.

We eat dinner with her court as usual, before going our separate ways to sleep. The three of us go into Asterin's room as usual. As soon as the door is shut, I turn to my mate, frowning. "are you alright?" I ask. my mate sighs and leans against the wall. "I don't know" she says quietly. I walk over to her, Nyx behind me. I tuck a piece of hair that escaped her braid behind her ear. "it's alright not to be okay, you know" I say and her turquoise eyes fix on mine. "I know. But reality has just set in. The two of you are blood sworn to me..." 

She sighs and leans her head back against the wall, exposing the jagged scar across her neck that marked where Maeve had slit her throat. I brush my fingers over it lightly and she immediately straightens, staring at me, her hand covering my own. I run my fingers over her scar. She's the most beautiful thing in this gods-damned world and she's still self conscious. "Asterin" I say quietly "never hide your scars from me. I think they're beautiful. I always have and always will." her eyes soften perceivably. "and as for the blood oath, neither of us have a problem with it. In fact, both of us want it" I say, glancing to Nyx behind me who nods in agreement. 

"If you don't want that, then we can break it" Nyx says, stepping forwards, his violet eyes shimmering. "it's not that I don't want that, I do. Gods I really do, but I can't ask that of you" she says "Darling, you want it, I want and Ash wants it, what more is there?" Nyx says softly. She seems to debate with herself for a moment. She nods and I relax slightly. I lean forward and gently kiss her. She smiles against my mouth and kisses me back. 

Even in eternity, I will never grow bored of her.

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